Filmmaking Trends in 2024: Insights from Nigerian Film Academies

Nigerian filmmakers and film academies are taking strides to stay at the forefront of the dynamic field of the global film industry as it continues to expand. The Nigerian cinema—popularly known as Nollywood—continues to grow, innovate, and adapt to new trends. Nollywood, the world’s second-largest film industry by volume, has come a long way from its humble beginnings. The industry’s rapid growth and increasing global recognition have created a demand for skilled professionals who can blend traditional narrative techniques with modern technological advancements.

In 2024, new trends in technology, storytelling techniques, and production practices are rapidly changing, and Nigerian filmmakers and film academies such as Kennysoft Film Academy are embracing these shifts. By equipping aspiring filmmakers with the tools and skills needed to succeed in a competitive market, these institutions are ensuring that Nollywood remains a key player on the global stage. The following are some of the most impactful filmmaking trends in 2024 and insights into how Nigerian film academies are integrating them into their programs.


Rise of Virtual Production and VFX

Virtual production has emerged as a groundbreaking technique in the global film industry, and in 2024, it’s making waves in Nigeria as well. This technique uses digital environments and real-time visual effects (VFX) during the filmmaking process, reducing the need for expensive on-location shoots and elaborate sets.

Nigerian film academies are introducing courses in virtual production and VFX, allowing students to gain hands-on experience with the latest technology. By mastering tools like Unreal Engine and Blender, students are learning how to create digital sets and characters, giving them the ability to bring ambitious stories to life without the constraints of traditional filming methods.

Mobile Filmmaking and DIY Production

Mobile filmmaking has gained immense popularity, and with advancements in smartphone cameras, filmmakers can now shoot high-quality films without the need for expensive equipment. This trend is democratizing filmmaking in Nigeria, enabling more creators to produce films and reach a wider audience. Mobile filmmaking is cost-effective and provides flexibility for indie filmmakers working on tight budgets.

In response, Nigerian film academies are offering mobile filmmaking courses, showing students how to shoot, edit, and distribute films using just their smartphones. This not only reduces barriers to entry but also encourages creativity by making filmmaking more accessible.

Short-Form Content for Social Media and Streaming Platforms

In 2024, short-form content is more popular than ever. With platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube dominating viewership, filmmakers are creating bite-sized films, web series, and mini-documentaries that cater to online audiences. Nollywood filmmakers are tapping into this trend to produce content that can be easily shared and consumed on mobile devices.

Film academies in Nigeria are responding by training students to create impactful short-form content. These programs emphasize storytelling within limited timeframes and teach students how to adapt their cinematic techniques for social media platforms. The growing demand for short, engaging videos is reshaping how films are made and distributed.

Hybrid Distribution Models

The shift towards digital distribution has become more pronounced post-pandemic, and in 2024, hybrid distribution models that combine theatrical releases with streaming platforms are gaining popularity. Nigerian filmmakers are using both cinemas and digital platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Showmax to reach wider audiences locally and globally.

Film academies in Nigeria are teaching students how to navigate these hybrid distribution models, offering insights into digital marketing, online film festivals, and strategies for leveraging streaming platforms. By understanding the digital landscape, filmmakers can optimize their distribution strategies and reach more viewers.


Focus on African Narratives and Authentic Storytelling

Nigerian cinema has always had a strong cultural identity, and in 2024, there is a renewed focus on telling authentic African stories. Audiences, both local and international, are seeking out stories that reflect the diversity, heritage, and contemporary issues of African societies. Filmmakers are using their platforms to explore everything from historical events to modern social issues, all while embracing the rich cultural tapestry of Nigeria.

Film academies in Nigeria are emphasizing this trend by encouraging students to develop scripts rooted in African culture and experiences. Screenwriting and directing courses focus on bringing out the nuances of African storytelling while ensuring global appeal. By teaching students to craft unique, culturally relevant stories, these academies are helping to shape the future of African cinema.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Film Productions

Sustainability is becoming an essential aspect of filmmaking. In 2024, more filmmakers are turning to eco-friendly practices, using digital sets, minimizing waste, and employing energy-efficient technologies. With environmental concerns on the rise, the film industry is looking for ways to reduce its carbon footprint.

Nigerian film academies are integrating sustainability into their curriculum, teaching students about green production practices. From digital pre-production techniques to eco-friendly on-set operations, filmmakers are learning how to create content that not only resonates with audiences but also aligns with global sustainability goals.

Artificial Intelligence in Scriptwriting and Post-Production

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and the film industry is no exception. In 2024, AI is being used in everything from scriptwriting to post-production editing. AI can help filmmakers analyze audience preferences, improve storytelling, and automate tasks like color grading, sound mixing, and visual effects.

Nigerian film academies are introducing AI-driven tools to their students. Courses now cover AI applications in filmmaking, allowing students to explore how AI can enhance the creative process. By learning to work with AI, Nigerian filmmakers are staying ahead of the curve and gaining a competitive edge in both local and international markets.

Post-Production Focus: Editing, Sound Design, and Color Grading

With the rise of digital technology, the importance of post-production has never been greater. In 2024, post-production skills such as video editing, sound design, and color grading are in high demand. Nollywood films, which are increasingly competing on the global stage, rely on high-quality post-production to stand out.

Nigerian film academies are expanding their post-production training programs, teaching students to use industry-standard software like Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Avid Pro Tools. By honing their skills in editing and sound design, students can elevate the production quality of Nigerian films, making them more competitive in both local and international markets.

Immersive Storytelling with AR and VR

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are gaining traction as storytelling mediums in 2024. Filmmakers are exploring new ways to create immersive experiences, allowing audiences to engage with films in more interactive and dynamic ways. While still in the early stages in Nollywood, AR and VR are becoming more prevalent, especially in experimental and independent films.

Nigerian film academies are beginning to introduce AR and VR courses, providing students with the skills to create these immersive experiences. From virtual set design to interactive storytelling, the next generation of filmmakers is learning to push the boundaries of traditional cinema.

Collaborations with International Studios

Nollywood’s growing influence has led to more collaborations with international studios and streaming platforms. These partnerships not only raise production values but also open the door for Nigerian stories to be showcased on a global stage. In 2024, Nollywood is seeing more co-productions and distribution deals with international players, ensuring a global audience for African stories.

Film academies in Nigeria are equipping students with the skills to work on international projects, focusing on cross-cultural collaboration, intellectual property laws, and global distribution. These academies are also fostering relationships with international studios, providing students with internship opportunities.

Join the Revolution with Kennysoft Film Academy

The future of Nigerian cinema is bright, filled with opportunities for those ready to embrace innovation and storytelling. At Kennysoft Film Academy, we believe in a holistic approach to film education. Our program goes beyond teaching technical skills to instill a deep understanding of storytelling, cultural preservation, and global market dynamics. Kennysoft Film Academy play a crucial role in nurturing talent and driving innovation in the Nigerian film industry. By offering a curriculum that balances traditional filmmaking techniques with cutting-edge technologies.

Join us at Kennysoft Film Academy and turn your filmmaking dreams into reality. Visit our website or contact our admissions office to learn more about our programs and how you can be part of shaping the future of Filmmaking.


The global filmmaking industry in 2024 is rapidly unfolding, and Nigerian film academies are at the forefront of this change. By embracing trends such as virtual production, mobile filmmaking, and AI, Nigerian institutions are preparing their students to excel in an increasingly competitive and technology-driven industry. As Nollywood continues to grow and adapt to new global trends, the filmmakers of tomorrow are being trained to tell compelling stories that resonate both locally and internationally.

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