Over the years TikTok have grow from not just been one of the video sharing apps but among the biggest video sharing apps in the world at the moment with about 1 billion monthly active users worldwide and still growing it has become so powerful that you just can’t ignore it anymore.
So, I will be showing practical ways you can create very Engaging Contents on TikTok, so without no further ado let’s get started.
Be authentic.
Keep it real, keep it organic, and create something truly engaging. Don’t focus on “branding” it too much; instead, create something which would drive lots of user-generated content. Ordinality will always sellout.
Focus on Niche Content Your Ideal Audience Will Want to Watch
When people think of TikTok, they tend to think of viral content, popular dances, and trendy music. TikTok trends tend to be fairly universal. Certain content also tends to be fairly universal, things like food, for example. Universal content can help you rack up a lot of views fairly quickly but it doesn’t always equal high engagement or sales like having a targeted audience.
A targeted audience most often comes in through niche content. Niche content doesn’t need to be super-narrow but it does need to be content your ideal client would be interested in watching, or even binging, while on TikTok.
While going viral can be fun and exciting, the real success for businesses comes with consistent content targeted toward their audience, growing a community based around that content, and offering the same tips and value that would elevate them to thought leaders.
Hashtags on TikTok
One more thing to consider when it comes to creating content for TikTok: the hashtags. Like other platforms, TikTok uses hashtags to help categorize and filter out content. And users use hashtags to find the content they’re interested in. Using niched-down hashtags will help ensure that your content gets in front of the right eyes.
However, hashtags aren’t necessary and don’t always play a role in going viral. Even if the hashtag is trending, using a popular hashtag that’s unrelated to your content won’t necessarily increase the views on your videos.
Educate Your Audience
It’s time to flex your skills and expertise! Break down valuable information or guide viewers through an educational how-to video.
This type of content works because it can be applied to any industry or niche, and you can share your knowledge about a particular subject.
Real-estate professional Tamika Ellsworth (@realestate_t) educates viewers about home buying terms, insurance, and more:
Not sure where to start? Take a look at FAQs related to your business on Google, gather feedback from your followers, or think about what advice your friends ask you for.
TIP: Make educational TikTok videos a recurring element of your content strategy by creating a dedicated TikTok Playlist. This will allow viewers to find all your related videos in one place.
Tell a Story
With over 65B views, the #StoryTime hashtag is proof of the demand for personal, story-based content on TikTok.
Take Tiana aka @hoopsandt, an official scorer for basketball games. Her TikTok video telling the story of how she landed her job has over 72K views:
How it started. #basketball #NBA #Georgetown #Wizards #womeninsports
Or you could get inspiration from Joanne L. Molinaro who shares personal stories about her life while cooking Korean dishes:
You can also share stories you’ve been captivated by and spotlight employees, role models, or game-changers in your industry.
TIP: Storytelling videos don’t need to be too complicated. They can be as straightforward as filming a selfie video to talk about a unique experience.
Prioritize creativity.
Be creative! That’s the only thing that brands should consider while engaging with their audiences on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels! Brands who are able to show their creativity in a funny and natural for the platform way, are always welcomed by the viewers
More Than Just A Trend
While it can be daunting to use a new content-creation platform like TikTok, the most important thing is to have a little bit of fun while using TikTok. Services that can express their creativity and funny side will be more popular with audiences and leave a positive lasting impression. What do you think about brands using TikTok to widen their reach and Creating Engaging Contents? Do you think it’s just a trend that is soon to pass? Share your thoughts, feelings, and opinions with us at kennysoft STUDIOs, because together, we learn!