Are Tiktok Ads Worth It? The short answer — yes, you should definitely give it a go. It’s one of the fastest-growing (& most cost-effective) social media platforms in the world and is quickly becoming an advertising haven for businesses! But deciding if it’s the right fit for you requires answers to essential questions like: […]
Over the years TikTok have grow from not just been one of the video sharing apps but among the biggest video sharing apps in the world at the moment with about 1 billion monthly active users worldwide and still growing it has become so powerful that you just can’t ignore it anymore. So, I will be […]
As business owners we all want to boost sales and profits, to do that we need to market our products and services and to be honest marketing has clearly changed a lot in the last few years, with attention spans shortening and competition for digital space growing daily. Companies and brands have had to adapt […]
We are going to look at the best 10 software for graphics design. In the industry today, creative design has evolve it’s now the original, imaginative, inventive, inspired development of something with artistic elements. It’s part visionary, part problem solver. In the marketing industry, the words “creative” and “graphic design” are occasionally used interchangeably. Unfortunately, the ideas […]
Just in case you don’t know let me school you, would you believe that people spend 33 percent of their time online watching videos? What’s more: nearly nine out of ten marketers used video in their 2020 marketing strategy. Oh, and let’s not forget that over one billion hours of video is consumed on YouTube every single day. If your prospects […]
NFT stands for non-fungible token, which basically means that it’s a one-of-a-kind digital asset that belongs to you and you only. The most popular NFTs right now include artwork and music, but can also include videos and even tweets. NFTs can be individual, or they can be part of a collection, which can also allow their owners to feel as though […]
What is metaverse? The word metaverse has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with Facebook and Microsoft both staking claims. But what is the metaverse? And when will it get here? That what everyone wants to know. Let’s do a little deep dive into the idea of metaverse, to get an idea on how it all started. The term metaverse can […]
The smartphone photography as we know it some years ago is not the same as we know it today, the world of technology has change how people take pictures this day. In today’s advance fast pasta world, you can take a fully professional photography with a smartphone and the most amazing part of it is […]
To begin with our topic of the day what is video marketing? Video marketing is the production of engaging videos around a marketing strategy that delivers business results. The perfect blend of storytelling and promotion that maximizes your marketing funds. Video and marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly. From traditional television commercials in […]
3D Action Figure – 3D animator defines 3D animation as a technical specialty within the graphic arts animation field that generates three-dimensional moving images to take place in a digital environment. It is undeniably among the best innovations that arched up film, TV, and other visual media in the Philippines. This is why becoming […]