Video marketing: Best top 5 video agencies in Nigeria

Best top 5 video agencies in Nigeria

The act of bringing a story to life is a beautiful thing that infuses joy into the mind, most especially when such expression is seen on numerous faces who viewed the story through a video, so today we are going to look at some the best video agencies in Nigeria that has been creating video that has created millions for their clients.

Some of this companies don’t just only create the video for the client some even go further to study the client brief in connection to the targeted audience the client is targeting, so this is our own list of the top video marketing agencies in Nigeria.

List of Video marketing agencies

1. Capital Dream Pictures is Africa’s Premier Film Production Company. It is owned by multiple award-winning director Clarence Peters. He is also the CEO and co-founder of Capital Hill Records. He is a cinematographer, filmmaker, and music video director who has produced awesome music videos for every popular male and female

2. Film Factory is a multi-award-winning video production company based in Lagos, Nigeria and serving all of Africa. They specialize in producing professional, broadcast, digital content for ad agencies, corporate businesses, and government bodies.

3. Kennysoft STUDIOs is a Nigerian based video and animation production studio. They are located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Their expertise is focused on Video Production and video services (Music, Tv commercial, Promotional), Animation (2D/3D), Motion Graphics, Visual Effects, and pieces of training too.

4. Squareball Media is a multimedia production company specializing primarily in audiovisual production. It is owned by Award-winning music video director and cinematographer, Adasa Cookey.

5. Rushing Tap is a Video production and marketing agency that tells high-value brand stories by conceptualizing, producing and marketing video content with the vision to improve the accessibility of video marketing to small and medium-sized businesses.

6. JM Films is a media and production services company specialized in creative visuals, music videos, commercials, movies, and television. With an exceptionally skilled team and a global footprint, they deliver quality work for their broad client base time after time.

7. AJE Filmworks is a registered Nigerian production company that produces music videos, feature films, commercials, and documentaries. It was founded by Anietie James a prolific Nigerian video director & visual storyteller who’s detailed & exceptional works have been recognized in the Nigerian, African mainstream entertainment & creative industry.

8. Team TERZI is a fast-growing 360 degrees creative think-tank company established in 2013 is audiovisual content development, production, and management company offering channel support to TV stations, commercials, branded and editorial content across all media outlets including television, digital and mobile.

9. Mex Films is a video production company and animation studio based in Lagos, Nigeria. It is owned by Emeka Ossai a Nigerian music video director and graphic animator. Mex runs Pixel Chaos, a digital media company. They have done videos for Johnny Drille, Simi, Reekado Banks. Mex Films

10. Ibst Media IBST provides TV broadcast, video and audio-visual solutions for the discerning client. We have a distinct array of broadcast facilities, equipment, and services that enable the production of various types of media, communication, entertainment and advertising content to high technical standards.

11. Orange vfx studios is a 3D and Visual Effects content creator in Nigeria. Founded in May, 2010 the company today boasts of a committed 20 man team that can successfully carry out a project. Since inception Orange VFX has introduced the Nigerian Animation industry to a new breed of professional animation and visual effects services right at heart of Nigeria’s commercial hub – Lagos, helping our clients save money on projects that would otherwise have been outsourced.

12. Sps Media Nigeria SPS is a Lagos-based media organization established with the sole purpose of helping brands and organizations capture the attention of their target audiences through impactful media content.

Beginner’s Guide: How To Become A 3d Animator The Sure Way

Build a solid foundation in film making and digital art

3D Action Figure – 3D animator defines 3D animation as a technical specialty within the graphic arts animation field that generates three-dimensional moving images to take place in a digital environment. It is undeniably among the best innovations that arched up film, TV, and other visual media in the Philippines. This is why becoming a 3D animator doesn’t happen just because you have the ambition and enthusiasm to be one. It requires, moreover, transferable skills that cannot be acquired in one sitting. Apart from being artistic and creative, take this beginner’s guide to give you a head start. 

How to Become a 3D Animator the Sure Way 

Mickey Mouse Action Figure – 3D animator 

  1. Master the Animation Techniques.

You must have the ability to apply the right movement and expression on the object. This will show how you will execute your thoughts and how you will imitate real life gestures into your object.

  1. Learn the Program.

Curves and 2D geometric figures can create a 3D object. You need animation tools and software to build and modify the texture, lines, shapes, light, and colour of the layout. Some also use virtual cameras to zoom, focus, brighten, and resize an object. You should also develop frames to control the movement. Learn the entire 3D animation course to wholly manipulate the computer to perform the task and achieve a desirable outcome.

  1. Hone Your Technical Skill.

Creativity is boundless, but you still have to enhance your craftsmanship. Other than that, learn how to properly use this on a computer-generated program. Consider that while computers are making the animation work conveniently, it is also complicated if you lack the digital proficiency. Developing and maintaining a strong technical skill will prevent further problems and help you create a stunning 3D animation. 


Wooden human model – 3D animator 

Realizing the reasons for your failure is sometimes the finest means to improve your skills and to become a 3D animation specialist. To dodge failure common to beginners, below are some of the mistakes you may commit. 

  1. Letting Perfectionism Take Its Toll.

When you’re starting, aiming for perfection can lead you to a circle of lazy depression. Thus, if you set the bar so high, the mere thought of starting can be paralyzing. 

  1. Breaking Rules Without Knowing Them.

It’s normal to break the rules in animation. Yet, if you have no firm grasp of what you’re breaking, you can’t do it. Likewise, if something goes wrong, you won’t understand why. 

  1. Doing Too Much Too Soon.

Almost every animator wants to get to the “fun stuff” such as brilliant effects or soulful character performances. With the tools available today, it’s easy to jump into them. Yet, these stuffs are likewise the quickest ways to produce lousy animation. 

  1. Learning from The Wrong School.

You’re a degree holder, but you’re jobless. Moreover, the cold reality that your first school is nothing compared to a real animation college slaps you hard. You got mediocre skills, boring demo reel, and no real connection in the industry. 


Super Mario figurines – 3D animator Once you accepted your flaws and made amendments, it’s time to boost your skills. Furthermore, following are tips from Nigeria’s top 3D animation school,  Kennysoft Film Academy. 

  1. Study the Psychology of Movement.

To mirror something, check first not only their movements but their intentions, too. In addition, knowing what lies behind every action will help you express them through your animation. 

  1. Find Real-World References.

When animating the face, it’s important to refer to something solid and real. Hence, grab a mirror and repeat the words to recreate key expressions as a good starting point. 

  1. Use Shark Fin Curves for Facial Animation.

The shark fin curve works great with facial animation. In particular, it helps simulate rapid movements such as those of the lips and eyebrows. Each part of the face moves fast, so get their movements to happen fewer than three frames. 

  1. Add Ambient Movements.

If the character is not so active in your shot, add ambient movements to keep it alive. Likewise, play with curves to get subtle movements of the head, arms, and shoulders to show your character is fighting gravity. 

  1. Lead with The Eyes.

In watching people’s daily routines, you’ll notice that each movement comes with a specific sequence. Your eyes move the most when something catches your attention. Often, the eyes move first, followed by the head, neck, and the whole body. 

Nobody starts as an expert already. Besides, failures are vital for growth and they show you’re not afraid to decide. If you want to become a better 3D animator, Kennysoft Film Academy can help you. We offer classes for incoming senior high school animation students and professionals with busy schedules. Visit to view the course modules and class schedule. 

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Powerful 6 Benefits of Video Marketing

Photo by George Milton from Pexels

Video marketing can be an overwhelming concept for small businesses and startups. It will require a considerable investment, but will it be worth it? Some business owners might think that video marketing is exclusive to established businesses, but this is not true. In fact, small businesses stand to benefit the most from this type of marketing content.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Video marketing has always been an effective way to target a specific audience. It started at the dawn of television, and it still is an excellent way to market your business in today’s digital world. Videos in digital ads today are more relevant and catchier, and they can help boost your business in the following ways:

  • Better Way to Acquire Information

People today have shorter attention spans and less patience than previous generations. They grew up in a time of instant gratification. If choosing between reading an article that will take at least ten minutes or watching a two-minute video about a product, most people will choose the video. That is how effective and impactful videos are. 

  • Visual Support

Your videos can act as additional visual support for your existing marketing materials. You can start working with your current materials and create engaging video content that will capture your audience’s attention while strengthening your brand awareness. 

  • Encourage Conversion and Boost Your Sales

Since videos are highly engaging content, they can help boost your sales. Companies that add product videos to their landing pages can increase their conversions by up to 80 percent. Videos are powerful marketing tools. When done right, they can grow your sales.

  • Help Promote Trust

The best thing about videos is how they communicate emotions so effectively. Successfully creating an emotional bond with your target audience is one of the key factors in earning their trust. Trust is never easy to get or instill in your potential customers, but it can create wonders for your brand once you have it.

If you make video materials for your brand, you can try shooting interviews, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes videos to make your brand more real and relatable. These are also effective ways to showcase the positive thoughts that current customers or employees think about your brand or company. Having real people talk about an organization, a product, or a service, makes it more authentic and attractive.

You can also make engaging content to educate or wow your viewers. Seeing how a product works, for example, will give them a clearer understanding of what it does, and it will help inform their decision to buy. 

  • Not Everyone Is Doing It

Video marketing is a highly effective marketing tool, but not everyone is using it yet. Utilize this to your advantage, and be one of the firsts in your industry to create video content. Let this be your edge over your competitors.

  • Shareable With Extensive Reach

Another great thing about video content is how easy it is to share them with other people. You can upload them on your social media platforms, and once it captures people’s attention, your network will do the sharing for you. As a result, you will have better chances of reaching different audiences without relying on paid ads. Moreover, videos give you better access to mobile viewers, who comprise the majority of online users today.


When companies and brands want to make big names for themselves, they make viral video ads. That is how powerful, fast, and massive video marketing’s reach and impact are. With the right strategy and team, you can bring your small business to the next level using quality video materials. 

Do you need professional video marketing services ? We can help you in various ways, from video production and editing to strategy creation and development. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

7 Ways on How To Use Animation For Your Business

Hey people!

Animation is more than just the cartoons and films. Today animation has evolved so brilliantly that it can influence the return on investment of businesses.

Few of us have to consciously remind ourselves that animation today is more than mere entertainment. We were probably introduced to animation in its nascent stage and somehow have forgotten that those very things are actually serious stuff today. Business tools to boost your marketing and branding.

In case you’re one of them, this article is a great way to catch up on where animation is as of today. What are the types and why businesses across industries are employing them to their advantage?

Animation today

What started as multiple hand-drawn frames were replaced by the computer revolution making it less tedious and time-consuming. It wasn’t until later that CGI totally changed animation as we know it. With technology, animation is come to be known as an “intricate relationship between artwork and technology.”  Its reach made endless penetrating every industry possible.  We now have advanced to a stage making possible architectural visualizations and virtual tours, mechanical designs that cut development costs and educational tools for health care and learning.

The different types of animation

There are genres of animation that can be used by businesses based on factors like reach, audience profile, concept and medium. Although listed in order of their evolvement, they also exist as standalone preferences today.

  • Traditional animation – Sequential hand-sketches screened quickly to create an illusion of movement, are used by ad agencies today to test commercials before production.
  • 2D animation – This is very similar to traditional animation but uses computerized software to simulate a 2-dimensional motion.
  • 3D computer animation (CGI)– A more realistic, 3-dimensional look that is created with computer generated images to create an animation.
  • Motion graphics – These are often used for multimedia projects, where texts or images are creatively given the illusion of motion.  Example: animated logos, movie opening titles.
  • Stop motion – Photographs of objects taken in sequential different positions, that when played create an illusion of movement.

Benefits of using animation for your business

  1. Quick message delivery

You getting time to read this is great! But, it’s rare. That’s the world we’re living in. Animation in the form of stop motion or micro-videos are a great way to deal with the instant-demand these days. These six-second videos can be used to highlight unique selling features of a new product, app or service. There is no better way to explain complex features than with visuals that keep the technicalities at bay. Animation can bring life to the product and keep audiences engaged with simple and personalized visuals for better conceptualization.

Educate while you entertain

In a high-stress world, there is a universal craving for information in its most simple form. When this can be presented in the form of entertainment, then you’ve got the crowd all ears. Animations allow for easy processing of information without having to deal with the technical jargon and strain their minds. With social media trending, news spreads like wild fire. The interactive nature of social media has its advantages when it comes to micro-videos or campaigns. Remember, visitors to social media are all in for entertainment and these videos are just ideal.

Transfer the emotion

Animation is a great way to emotionally connect with your audience. Almost everyone is fascinated by a make-believe world that’s a factor that easily keeps viewers engaged. These animated videos can be commercials or campaigns that drive the point straight home even in the absence of text and dialogues. That’s the beauty of animation. The feeling of ‘being sold to’ is the last thing viewers experience when visually engaged with an animated image or object. Say, employing a friendly faced mascot to run your campaigns which can definitely boost brand awareness and promotion.

Show off your personality

So what’s so unique about your business? The benefits of signing up for your services?  Who are your clients?

These are some of the questions that are often thrown at businesses. When first impressions matter the most, businesses are always in a tussle to deliver their stories in a nutshell considering optimization on prospective clients’ allotted time. With animation, there is a lot of scope to show your personality. Perceptions, ideas and concepts are portrayed when words may fail.

Influence buying decisions

Animation videos or mascots certainly are one of the strongest influencers in a consumer’s purchase decision due to the power of association. A simple example we all can relate to is ‘Cornelious’, the Corn Flakes Rooster. A simple concept of waking up to cornflakes and why it would make an ideal breakfast. These are all a boost to not just branding but assist consumers to convert. Needless to say, a familiar brand gets preference in terms of choice. The more viewers are exposed to these ads the better the promotion. The greatest strength of animation is its self-sufficiency when it comes to text or language; the universal language spoken by this creative advertising tool speaks volumes.

Boost search rankings

Videos and images are the life of any page. Animations are all the more fun, increasing time on page and giving engagement a boost.  The resulting improvement in analytics signals search engines of users finding website content relevant and these positives ultimately have an impact on search rankings.

Easy share

Animations are fun. They have an element of surprise that make users want to share with their friends or group. The likes and shares on these videos facilitate a long lasting impression and identity.  While these are embedded on video platforms and showcased on business websites, they could be search optimized and bring in additional traffic from video platforms like YouTubevimeo and other social media platforms.

Animation is all about creativity. There is no limit. Guaranteed is a branding boost but not just that, you’re headed to win a lot of hearts and have a whole lot of eyes glued.


 The importance of animation in business promotions cannot be over emphasize in today’s business world, it’s either you evolve and follow the trend or your competitors will kick you out of business. So why not contact kennysoft STUDIOs lets help you engage new audience, grow brand visibility online, improve social engagement and enhance conversion rates through video marketing.

How Nollywood Is Changing the Narrative for African Storytellers

How Nollywood Is Changing the Narrative for African Storytellers

How did the Nigerian movie industry, known as Nollywood, become one of the world’s top three movie industries in a period of just three decades, attracting an impressive degree of research interest since its debut in the 1990s and resulting in a dedicated transdisciplinary research niche called “Nollywood studies”.

Nollywood is situated as disruptive of historic and contemporary African movie culture, underscoring Nollywood’s significance as a phenomenon “fundamental to Africa’s self-representation. Nollywood represents a grassroots indigenous entrepreneurial cultural initiative.

The Nigerian film industry is undoubtedly helping create jobs in a country with an economy that relies mainly on oil and agriculture. Over a million+ people are currently employed in the industry, making it the country’s largest employer after agriculture.

Looking at the evolutionary interface between technology and entrepreneurship as a dynamic process in the progress and transformation of Nollywood. Complementing the issue of technology as a factor in Nollywood’s evolution, further matters of interest at the outset of this study include issues such as culture, ethnicity and social capital.

Nollywood is a typology of a community where process, outcomes and culture of knowledge production operate in a social ecosystem of inclusiveness and openness on a scale where the existing theory of openness does not fully capture the critical details.

In case you don’t know Nollywood films have the largest following in Africa and among Africans around the world. They gained popularity during the digital revolution of the early 1990s when camcorders replaced 35-millimeter film cameras, and digital systems replaced celluloid as recording devices. At the time, while some parts of the world adapted to the new digital technology, Nigeria continued to use inexpensive VHS tapes and players that were easily accessible and affordable to consumers. Eventually film technology evolved as movies made on DVDs started to generate huge demand. Now technology has evolved to the stage where movies are streamed via a mobile device.

Nollywood’s entry into the African and global entertainment space marks or affirms creative destruction or disruption thesis specifically in the case of African auteur cinema and also of a state monopoly of entertainment media, giving rise, in Nigeria at least, to a grassroots economic development that horizontally democratizes appropriation and distribution of benefits with equitable outcomes.

Before the Nigerian film industry, evolved and became known as Nollywood, Nigerian film makers were producing amazing movies.

 In 1957, “Fincho,” became the first Nigerian film to be shot in colour. Following Nigeria’s independence in 1960, more cinema houses were established, and in 1972, the Indigenization Decree by Yakubu Gowon made possible the transfer of ownership of about 300 cinemas from their foreign owners to Nigerians, resulting in more Nigerians actively participating in the Nigerian film growth.

In 1984 “Papa Ajasco” by Wale Adenuga became the first blockbuster, grossing an estimate of 61,000 naira in three days. In 1985, “Mosebolatan “ by Moses Olaiya grossed 107,000 naira in five days. Also in the 80s, filmmakers like Adeyemi Afolayan produced classics such as Kadara” (Destiny), “Taxi Driver” among others.

It is impossible to forget the artist imagery created by Afolayan as far back as 1980. More than the narrative structure, it was the images, shots and production quality that took the older generation through a nostalgic journey, and the younger generation through an enlightening journey.

The theatrical and cinematic efforts of the likes of Hubert Ogunde, Taiwo Ajai-Lycett, Olu Jacobs, Tunde Kelani, Adeyemi Afolayan, Ladi Ladebo, Moses Olaiya, Adebayo Salami, Sadiq Daba, Jide Kosoko, Afolabi Adesanya among others, played a pivotal role in shaping the film industry which is now known as Nollywood.

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Nollywood continues to exploit technology for both production and marketing. Still forging pragmatic partnerships with the informal marketing stakeholders, the industry has also embraced video-on-demand (VOD), especially for the diaspora market. According to Abubakar Yakubu, “beyond traditional marketing, we can use the internet platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Google to market content. Through internet, people can access our products and pay directly via advertising”. He rightly observes that “the marketing field is now democratized and not limited to single monopolistic medium”.

Nollywood movie producers produced a total of 1,051 movies in the first six months of 2021, 1.7% higher than movies produced in the corresponding period of 2020. This is according to data published by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

The Nigerian film industry has recorded an improvement in the volume of productions over the years. The cinematic culture of Nigerians, that is wanting to express and spread our diverse cultures through film, has encouraged more movie productions, so much so that movie production has grown 477% within three years, from 2017 to 2020.

In addition, they said despite the 45% market share that Lagos cinemas represent, in the first quarter of 2021, Funke Akindele’s blockbuster movie, ‘Omo Ghetto,’ accounted for 48% of revenues and 47% of attendance in Nigerian cinemas.

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Nollywood Highlight   indicates films still running in theatres

RankTitleYearDomestic Gross (₦)Studio(s)Director(s)
1Omo Ghetto: The Saga2020636,129,120[1]SceneOne ProductionsFunke Akindele
2The Wedding Party2016453,000,000[2]Ebonylife Films / FilmOne / Inkblot Production / Koga StudiosKemi Adetiba
3The Wedding Party 22017433,197,377[3]Ebonylife Films / FilmOne / Inkblot Production / Koga StudiosNiyi Akinmolayan
4Chief Daddy2018387,540,749[4]EbonyLife FilmsNiyi Akinmolayan
5Sugar Rush2019287,053,270 [5]GreOH Media / Jungle Filmworks / Empire Mates EntertainmentKayode Kasum
6King of Boys2018244,775,758[6]Kemi Adetiba VisualsKemi Adetiba
7Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons2018235,628,358[6]Corporate World Entertainment / FilmOne / Gush MediaToka Mcbaror[7]
8Merry Men 2: Another Mission2019234,505,169[8]Corporate World Entertainment / Gush Media / FilmOneMoses Inwang
9Your Excellency2019186,340,948 [9]EbonyLife FilmsFunke Akindele
10A Trip to Jamaica2016180,264,964[2]Corporate World PicturesRobert Peters

Conclusion: Nollywood is a clear manifestation of the link between entrepreneurship and economic development. It also shows how openness, technology, and innovation reinforce that connection. Furthermore, Nollywood’s success reveals a constellation of factors not often considered as elements of openness and shows their ramifications for economic growth. In Nollywood, we see how historical, circumstantial and context-specific factors at national level coalesce to trigger local entrepreneurial ingenuity and are in turn leveraged to yield positive economic outcomes. This happens in ways that indicate potential scalability and adaptability of the Nollywood phenomenon to other entrepreneurial sectors in the rest of Africa. Already, the globalisation of Nollywood across the African continent and in the African diaspora is a fascinating development that has been the subject of many studies. Catapulted way beyond its Nigerian origins, Nollywood is a yet-to-be-fully-unravelled cinematic phenomenon that analysts regard as fundamental to Africa’s self-expression.

6 Benefits of Video Marketing to Small Business

Small Business

Video marketing can be an overwhelming concept for small businesses and startups. It will require a considerable investment, but will it be worth it? Some business owners might think that video marketing is exclusive to established businesses, but this is not true. In fact, small businesses stand to benefit the most from this type of marketing content.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Video marketing has always been an effective way to target a specific audience. It started at the dawn of television, and it still is an excellent way to market your business in today’s digital world. Videos in digital ads today are more relevant and catchier, and they can help boost your business in the following ways:

  • Better Way to Acquire Information

People today have shorter attention spans and less patience than previous generations. They grew up in a time of instant gratification. If choosing between reading an article that will take at least ten minutes or watching a two-minute video about a product, most people will choose the video. That is how effective and impactful videos are. 

  • Visual Support

Your videos can act as additional visual support for your existing marketing materials. You can start working with your current materials and create engaging video content that will capture your audience’s attention while strengthening your brand awareness. 

  • Encourage Conversion and Boost Your Sales

Since videos are highly engaging content, they can help boost your sales. Companies that add product videos to their landing pages can increase their conversions by up to 80 percent. Videos are powerful marketing tools. When done right, they can grow your sales.

  • Help Promote Trust

The best thing about videos is how they communicate emotions so effectively. Successfully creating an emotional bond with your target audience is one of the key factors in earning their trust. Trust is never easy to get or instill in your potential customers, but it can create wonders for your brand once you have it.

If you make video materials for your brand, you can try shooting interviews, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes videos to make your brand more real and relatable. These are also effective ways to showcase the positive thoughts that current customers or employees think about your brand or company. Having real people talk about an organization, a product, or a service, makes it more authentic and attractive.

You can also make engaging content to educate or wow your viewers. Seeing how a product works, for example, will give them a clearer understanding of what it does, and it will help inform their decision to buy. 

  • Not Everyone Is Doing It

Video marketing is a highly effective marketing tool, but not everyone is using it yet. Utilize this to your advantage, and be one of the firsts in your industry to create video content. Let this be your edge over your competitors.

  • Shareable With Extensive Reach

Another great thing about video content is how easy it is to share them with other people. You can upload them on your social media platforms, and once it captures people’s attention, your network will do the sharing for you. As a result, you will have better chances of reaching different audiences without relying on paid ads. Moreover, videos give you better access to mobile viewers, who comprise the majority of online users today.


When companies and brands want to make big names for themselves, they make viral video ads. That is how powerful, fast, and massive video marketing’s reach and impact are. With the right strategy and team, you can bring your small business to the next level using quality video materials. 

Do you need professional video marketing services ? We can help you in various ways, from video production and editing to strategy creation and development. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

6 Poor Time Management Habits You Need To Avoid At All Cost

Poor time management

Poor time management is something that is always seen with creatives and many small businesses especially here in Nigeria where everything is demanding for time from traffic jams to business meetings and a whole lot more. 

What is poor time management?

Poor Time management is the inability of planning and exercising conscious control of the time spent on specific activities to work smarter than harder.

As creatives and small business owners if you don’t manage your time property it will result into poor time management and the implications of poor time management are enormous and they include. 

  • Procrastination

Procrastination is the most obvious result of poor time management. Creatives or small business owners who don’t have control over their time end up letting tasks sit until the last minute – and then they feel a lot of stress when they try to play catch up. If you’ve let too many tasks sit, you might miss deadlines entirely.

  • Lack Of Priorities and Focus

The biggest single time-management problem for most people is their lack of priorities and focus. It’s even worse when there aren’t clear goals to follow. If a creative or small business owner allows themselves to be distracted by numerous unimportant tasks, they can end up wasting a lot of time. For example, getting distracted by every new email or starting one task after another without finishing anything.

Most creatives have more work to do than could be completed in one day or even one week. If you don’t know how to effectively manage your time, you can rapidly start to feel overwhelmed. If that’s happening to you, the best thing you can do is focus on the one most important task you have.

Then, you can feel like you have achieved something and met a deadline. However, you’ll most likely need to leap straight into the next crisis to meet another deadline, never having enough time to get ahead of the curve. Getting proactive about your work can greatly help you meet all your deadlines early.

Sometimes the issue is that a lot of creatives and small business owners won’t delegate other tasks that they really should they want to do everything their self. Small business owners, in particular, can be guilty of this. You must delegate when appropriate. Then you can focus on the tasks where you can add the most value. This results in higher quality work from everyone involved.

  • Missed Deadlines

If you are currently exhibiting poor time management skills, you will likely miss deadlines. This can have drastic effects on your work performance. It will also affect many of your colleagues who may suffer from the fallout. Perhaps you are late for meetings, miss calls, or anything else that delays work getting done. This affects much more than just you and your role. Anyone who is always unprepared can cause issues for everyone else. It wastes the time of people who have prepared their own work. Make sure you do anything in your power to not miss deadlines.

  • Unprofessionalism

Missed deadlines show that there is a serious lack of respect and professionalism. This will surely impact the career of the person in question. It can also act as a demotivator for the team because no one wants to put the work in only to fail because of someone else. This effect is worsened if the person with poor time management is their manager. More widely, unprofessionalism can lower the good reputation of the organization. Any client would be upset if you missed a deadline related to their project.

  • Financial Implications

Deadlines being missed can come at a huge cost for the company. Without proper time management training, deadlines may be missed time and time again. As an example, if you create products for a shipment leaving the next day, the shipment goes whether or not you’ve filled it up. The cost of this can be massive. These conflicts can make your client relationships suffer as well as you having to lose out on profit.

  • Damaged Customer Relationships

One of the biggest time management problems is that when we produce low quality work at the last minute, our clients are sure to notice. They will no longer be happy with the service and may choose to go with another provider.

This loses the company money but also tarnishes its reputation. It’s even worse when you have contracts with the client, but it includes a service level agreement. If you don’t meet this, you may have to pay.

Ending Thoughts on poor time management

We spend countless hours over our lives doing things that are of little benefit to us. If you could add this time up and see how many hours of this you waste each month, you would be shocked.

Time management issues can create countless conflicts in business. Lost finances, negative relationships, and missing deadlines are a serious matter.

A creative or small business owner with poor time management may end up losing jobs.

It’s not all bad news, however!

Whether we’re talking about creatives or small business owners, time management can be helped by some fantastic software.

Originally published on Business Post Nigeria Photo Credit: freepik

Video Marketing: 7 Guaranteed Ways To Boost Your Marketing Effort

video marketing agency

The world is evolving so is marketing, the way we use to market our product and services have change a lot, now things are done a little different then it uses to be; products and services are now sold in an appetizing way using motion graphics to support its customer’s appeal. These was not possible some few years ago, now with the help of video you can create any imaginable reality for your customers to believe.

Humans And Visuals

It’s well known that humans are visual begins, as far back as the early cave days Some of the earliest evidence of stories comes from the cave drawings in Lascaux and Chavaux, France. The drawings, which date as far back as 30,000 years ago, depict animals, humans, and other objects. Some of them appear to represent visual stories. It is human nature to stories using visuals, The creators of those ancient cave drawings may not have had a marketing strategy in mind … but there’s a reason that visual communication has stuck around for millennia and can be found in practically every culture. We are hard-wired to process visual information both accurately and quickly.

So, Why Is Video Marketing Important?

For decades, many companies have embraced the written word as a way of giving their readers a “hook,” especially in the wake of Bill Gates’s 1996 monumental essay “Content Is King.” In today’s fast-paced, digital-centric era, however, it’s time to rely on visual content — specifically, video communication.

How The Human Brain Process Visual Content

According to E-Learning and the Science of Instruction by Dr. Ruth Colvin Clark and Dr. Richard E. Mayer, when compared with text alone, text that is combined with images improves comprehension by as much as 89%. That’s probably why video communication is shown to significantly improve our understanding when information is being shared.

What Does This Means For Your Business?

According to the study, adding videos to presentations helps improve audience attention and influence action. Video contents facilitates the absorption of data, helping illustrate information that might require further elaboration. This creates a more informative and palatable reading experience.

Posts with visuals especially videos produce a 650% higher engagement rate than text-based posts. According to the Adobe Digital Index Social Intelligence Report, content paired with visuals yielded a 650% higher engagement rate than standard text posts

Image credit VAN YORK AGENCY

The right video really can make a difference. In fact, 40.2% of marketers say that original, custom visual content such as video and infographics perform best, compared to just 12.5% saying stock photography is best, according to Venngage. When planning your visual communication, always consider custom video content that’s tailored to your message, your tone, and your brand.

No matter what industry you’re in, knowing the basics of video marketing can facilitate and elevate your message. Remember, your audiences are hard-wired to understand videos more quickly and effectively than text.

Video Marketing Can Help When You:

Have a lot of data

Want to tell a complex story

Need to capture someone’s attention

No matter what you’re saying, it’s important to consider how your audience will best understand your message. If you recently conducted a survey but your readers aren’t statisticians, how can video communication help make sense of your data? If the emotional weight of your subject matter has the potential to disengage your audience, how can video communication strike the right tone? Asking questions like these at every turn will help determine when visual content is the right answer.

59% Of Senior Executives Prefer Video Over Text When Both Are Available.

A 2010 Forbes Insights study, in association with Google, surveyed 306 executives, and found that 59% of the participants opted for video content when the information was available in both video and text form.

Image credit VAN YORK AGENCY

A Forbes Insights survey found that individuals prefer more convenient means of absorbing information. Videos, from animated explainer videos to 3D virtual modeling, are increasingly permeating social media as much as they are finding their way into the C-Suite. In fact, organizations in professional services, communications and technology were among a small group of industries that published over 300 videos in 2018. Using videos to educate or influence an audience is one of the most effective means of communication today, and can significantly enhance your storytelling strategy – in both the boardroom and the newsfeed

Some Applications Of Video Marketing

Video marketing can be applied across diverse media, industries, and topics. Some formats include (but aren’t limited to):


Infographics tell a story using facts, data, and visuals. They work in both digital and print formats and are a great tool for presenting a clear data- or fact-based message.


Annual reports don’t have to be hefty tomes. By following the basics of visual communication and incorporating data viz and iconography, these reports can take on new life and capture interest and readership.


Motion graphics — most often at 90 seconds or less — deliver dynamic stories. These are a great outlet for explaining information, promoting products, or describing a situation. They rely on a multisensory approach to capture an emotional response in the viewer.


Interactive content creates a hands-on approach to learning. Whether it’s a full-size microsite or a compact widget, an interactive experience can deliver complex or substantial amounts of information in personalized, easily digestible formats.


Maintaining the integrity of your brand is a must. Establishing a clear visual brand identity will ensure that every piece of visual content you produce upholds your company’s values and goals while reaching a defined audience.


AR and VR provide opportunities to dig deeper than what’s on the surface. Whether that’s by providing additional data or creating a new universe to showcase your brand, these cutting-edge platforms create an embodied visual experience that communicates the heart of any message.


Any individual piece of collateral is a drop in the marketing bucket. With a campaign approach, you can use a variety of visual communication across channels to tell a larger story, whether you’re building brand recognition, sharing information, or launching a product.

The Creative Process: Making A Piece Of Great Video Marketing Content

Understanding the importance and implications of video content is one thing … but creating it is another. Here are three tenets to keep in mind as you work to develop visuals that excel.


Creating pieces that communicate visually requires clear communication throughout the entire process: between content writers and designers, between your marketing team and your design team, and more. If you’re working with a visual communication agency, make sure that they ask at least some basic questions about your goals and target audience. These considerations should be communicated to the entire creative team and should drive the entire production process.


Even when you talk about your goals, it’s pretty rare that things will turn out perfectly on the first go. Working with a creative team is a collaborative process, so be clear about the changes you’d like to see and what your reasoning is for those changes. An experienced team of video communicators will be able to make smart recommendations for revisions that address your concerns while keeping your goals in clear view.


In creating custom content — be it an icon or a visual language — it’s important that you put your best foot forward. Working with a video marketing agency who can guide you toward the end result that’s best for your unique situation and goals will help your visual communication stand out in all the right ways.

Visual communication is a rich part of our history and evolution. It comes to us naturally, so we find it more compelling and easier to understand than text. All of this makes it a powerful tool that marketers can’t afford to ignore.

Just remember one thing if you’re looking to incorporate more visual communication content into your next marketing campaign: focus on quality. In a world where high-quality videos are everywhere, stock imagery won’t be enough to keep your audiences’ attention. So, partner with a video marketing agency to determine the right visual strategy for your brand.

Video Agency: 5 Practical Tips For Hiring The Perfect company

Hiring The Perfect Video Agency

You’ve learned everything there is to know about crafting the perfect video strategy. Now is the time to picking the right video agency, You’ve got story content ideas, a set budget, and precise goals in mind, with the proper KPIs to boot. The only thing left? Hiring the right video agency to help you create the video you need to drive results.

And, don’t worry, we know this sounds biased. We’re a video agency with over 5 years of experience under our belt. We’ve got an amazing experience and it should go without saying – you should hire us.

BUT – We’re also suckers for a good video.

We want you to accomplish all your business goals and create a wonderful video you and your whole team is proud of, whether we create it or not.

That’s why we’re letting you in on all our secrets. As a video agency, we know what businesses like yours should look for when hiring a production team. We know the exact qualities that make a good video agency good, and the tell-tale signs you should avoid as you do your research.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the things you should look for as you begin your video production search.

  • Previous Examples of Work

Before you do anything, including placing a call for a quote or sending an email to ask a question, you should take a look at the video agency portfolio of work. Does their work catch your eye? Do you think their video style might match your needs?

Beside seeing work that is visually captivating, you’ll want to explore the different kinds of videos they create. If a company specializes in animated videos and doesn’t showcase any live action videos, their strength may not lie in creating a scripted and recorded brand video. Likewise, if you only see reels of stock footage, they may not excel at lifestyle video creation, interviews, or narrative work.

  • Good Communication

Good communication is essential! Think about it. When’s the last time you nostalgically thought about sending duplicate emails and answering the same question eight times with a glimmer in your eye? No one wants that!

Video production teams will vary in size – you might be dealing with one or two people directly, or a team of 10 – it all depends on the size of the company you hire. Regardless, you’ll want communication to be clear, convenient, and fast. You’ll likely have one single project manager who shares your vision with the rest of the team. If you don’t, you should know the function of every person you’ll communicate with: talk to Kenneth about creative, talk to Michael about production scheduling, talk to sira about video editing. The implication here is that kenneth, Michael and sira will all talk to one another to create and deliver your perfect video.

How do you know communication is clear? For one, you get regular progress updates. You get details about the process without having to ask, and if you do have a question, you can direct it to someone and get an answer pretty quickly. It’s difficult to know whether or not an agency has great communication before you hire them, so be sure to do lots of research – read their reviews, get personal recommendations, and talk to more than one person who works there before signing on.

  • Quick Turnaround

The time it takes to complete your video is obviously impacted by the scale of your project, but as you do your research, get a good feel for what a normal turnaround time should be. If you need an event video for a round-table you’re attending next week, turnaround should be relatively fast. If you need a three-minute video with complex graphics, on-location footage, interviews, and more, expect longer.

For instance, our normal start-to-finish turnaround ranges from as little as three weeks to as much as two and a half months. If you get any quotes for a much longer time frame, that could be a signal of poor time management or lack of resources. On the other hand, if they give you a surprisingly fast turnaround time, beware of low-quality work.

  • Positive Attitudes

A positive attitude is a lot more than just a smile. It should be clear the minute you get a phone or email response that the agency is helpful, happy, and eager to please. Team members should get along, they should have your best interest at heart, and, even when giving you an answer you may not want to hear, they do it in an understanding way, giving you workable alternatives.

And trust us – things won’t always be rosy. Obstacles (no matter who’s at fault) can create frustration and anger. A good video agency knows this and keeps a cool head even when tempers are high. Again, this won’t be evident right away, but read plenty of reviews and ask a lot of questions about troubleshooting, quality control, and more before you make your hire.

  • Ability to Say No

You might have a highly specific plan for the type of footage you want – that’s great! The more guidance you can give, the better. But remember: you don’t want to hire a yes-company, a company that will automatically say yes to everything you request. You want a partner agency that can work with the guidance and feedback you provide and create something amazing, which might mean offering up a new creative angle, perspective, or strategy. They’re the experts after all! They should bring their insight and experience to the table in a way that still incorporates your requests and keeps your brand vision in mind.

This is an unexpected characteristic most businesses would never think to look for when hiring an agency, but it does tell you a lot about a company’s overall strategy, expertise, and confidence.

Still, you want to keep the previous points in mind. You don’t want a company that will say yes to every idea you have even if they don’t agree with it, but you also don’t want a company that will over promise and under deliver, be rude, or not communicate their hesitations.


Finding the right company to work with can be tough. The best advice we can give? Call a lot of companies, keep track of pricing, scheduling, extra benefits, and more, and compare your results. You might end up picking a slightly more expensive option due to the unlimited editing they offer, rather than picking a cheaper option that doesn’t give you any edits at all.

YouTube: Best 5 Nigerian Series You Need to Watch

Youtube: Best Nigerian Series You Need to Watch this series are ever green in the nigeria space, so let get started. Nigeria is known as a giant in many respects. With this in mind, it is no wonder that its large and thriving population have often turned to homegrown entertainment to fill their leisure time. However, much of the wider world’s attention has been on Nollywood and the big screen. Nigeria’s creatives are turning to smaller screens and snackable drama series in order to capture the attention of a much wider and younger audience. The rise of web series on the continent has led to a wealth of content that is available to all, and we think it’s time the rest of the world got in on the act. 

Web Series are a part of the entertainment sector that many Nigerian filmmakers are embracing, the quality of the stories and video quality has improved over time in such a way that their international counterparts got nothing on them.

Most of this Nigerian web series can be streamed free on YouTube mainly, for our entertainment pleasure.

So here is our best Nigerian YouTube Series you need to watch to whet your appetite.

papa benji
  1. Papa Benji was created by Nigerian comedian Basketmouth. The story is based in a pepper soup joint named “Papa Benji” an industrious Igbo man who took a loan to start his pepper soup joint, which attends to many other interesting characters that come into the joint. And takes us on a journey into the complicated lives of the restaurant’s customers, with a sprinkle of current affairs. The series is based on his childhood experiences from old school comedy and personal life. The show is released every Saturday. WATCH HERE
  1. Inspector K Advertised as a ‘crime comedy’ Inspector K bravely breaks the mould of your traditional Lagos Island drama.  The series begins with a murder at a Lagos house party and Inspector K’s arrival on a motorcycle sets the tone for this five-part whodunnit web series. This series is certainly worth a watch for Inspector K’s outbursts and interruptions, the one liner’s delivered by Koye Kekere-Ekun can leave you winded. The inspector withholds respect from everyone but takes respect where it is not offered, beginning one interrogation with “Do you know I hate you? I hate your life; I hate your homeless look…I hate your videos”. Accompanied by a duo of pidgin speaking sergeants, these loveable fools remain unserious and yet manage to wrap up this whodunnit comedy series. Let it be noted, the storyline indisputably needs work and the big reveal will definitely leave you scratching your head, but it will make you laugh and sometimes that’s all you need. The show is released every Wednesday. WATCH HERE
Game on
  1. GAME ON Ndani TV are experts in giving viewers heart palpitations with their plots and Game On is no exception. The show tells the story of two couples: married couple — Tega & Osaze and unmarried co-habitants Leye & Mayowa, as they both navigate through their complicated relationships while playing dangerous mind games. Mayowa wants a ring and Osaze…. well…doesn’t want to spend her money. But I won’t give too much away. Kudos to Abimbola Craig for this one. The show is released every Thursday. WATCH HERE
little black book
  • LITTLE BLACK BOOK This show is the work of Wale Adetula’s The Naked Convos. Little Black Book is the story of Tade, executive assistant to the very attractive and seductive CEO, Leo, as they navigate working life together. I’m super excited that they’re bringing their stories to screen. It hits different when the actual writers of the short stories are involved in the screenplay — the authenticity remains and it becomes everything you’ve imagined. The show is released every Thursday. WATCH HERE
Skinny Girl In Transit
  • The MVP: SKINNY GIRL IN TRANSIT (or SGIT for the true fans) There are numerous reasons to love this show from the plus-sized female lead Tiwalade (Tiwa), to the predominantly female season regulars who are (mostly) there for each other more than anyone else. SGIT is a comedy web series which focuses on the life of Tiwa, a 20-something single female radio host looking for love. As the title suggests, Tiwa isn’t your average female protagonist, and what is even more exciting is the way the series evolves. Tiwa does not lose sight of her healthy living goals, but she also doesn’t let them hold her back in the world of work or romance, and through four seasons we catch glimpses of her and her traditionally attractive sister Shalewa’s wild rollercoaster ride in these departments. An introduction to the series would not be complete without mentioning Tiwa’s over-involved, over-dramatic and loudly religious mother. Special mention must be made about the soundtrack to this show (especially season 4). The producers manage to weave the perfect tracks into emotionally charged scenes which give viewers all of the feels. The show is released every Friday. WATCH HERE

  • WHEN ARE WE GETTING MARRIED: From executive producer Bola Atta, When Are We Getting Married is a story of two young lovers who move in together and try to make their relationship work in spite of their divergent views on life. The show, which was produced by Kayode Kassum and Olufemi Bamigbetan for Red TV, reveals how important chemistry is but how it isn’t nearly enough to make a relationship work. It also touches on peculiar problems young people face in contemporary Nigeria while navigating romance. Edith and Fenwa are on different wavelengths about love and the prospect of getting married. They must fight the world, their fears, their pasts and each other if their relationship will survive and go the distance. Written by Ife Olujuyigbe, the series stars Ric Hassani and Immaculata Oko-Kasum.
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