10 Practical Ways of Exceeding Customer Expectations

Balancing delivery end exceeding customer expectations is something a lot of creatives find difficult in doing, they make the mistake of over promising and under delivery.  They forget that Managing customer expectations results in positive returns for both businesses and customers alike. Creatives are able to meet the needs of their customers and customers take away a pleasant experience. That’s how important balancing delivery and exceeding customer expectation are but why do creatives sometimes fail to this simple hack.

To begin with let’s define what a customer expectation is:  Customer expectation can be defined as the perceived value or benefits that the clients look for while purchasing products or services.

What are the different types of customer expectation?

  1. Implicit expectations – are based on business performance and formed by experiences such as comparison with the products or services of the competitors.
  2. Explicit expectations – refers to well-identified product performance standards, quality of the product, and services rendered by any company.
  3. Interpersonal expectations – reflect the relationship between a customer and brand across the customer lifecycle.
  4. Static performance expectations – refer to the front-facing elements of your brand such as accessibility, customization, dependability, etc.

Key factors that contribute to poor customer expectation

A critical as managing client expectations it’s very important in understanding the factors that can influence poor customer expectation. Because Unable to meet consumers’ standards translate to low conversions and customer retention rates.

Here are some key factors that contributes to poor customer expectation.

  1. Previous experience with other brands – The previous experience with your competitors can shape client expectations from you. They might model their preferences based on what other brands can do for them. If you fail to outshine your competitors, you can not win your customers.
  2. Poor Communication strategy – What you communicate to the customers, through support or marketing channels shapes their expectations. And the way you communicate pertains to your customer service. So, focus on disseminating accurate information and the way you interact as it impacts your overall brand image.
  3. Customer reviews and feedback – Feedbacks and reviews greatly influence the brand image and reputation. What your customers speak about you creates your brand image. By keeping high-quality consistent performance-focused, you should take your online reputation management seriously.

How to manage and exceed customer expectation

Understanding customer needs and exceeding their expectation are becoming table stakes for creatives to compete. Let us discuss the top ways you can manage the list of customer expectation.

1. Engage customers consistently across multiple touch-points

Customers view contextualized engagement and seamless transitions between different communication channels. If the creative engage their customers based on earlier interactions, it could act as a winning formula.

Creatives that follow the omnichannel communication strategy have witnessed a significant 89% increase in retention and a 9.5% year-over-year increase in annual revenue.

Customers expect businesses to be active across multiple channels like the web, social media, email, mobile devices, etc. Maintaining consistency among every channel improves the customer experience that impacts brand reputation positively. So, break your silos and manage your customer expectation by following the tips below.

  1. Identify all the channels that customers choose to reach out to your business.
  2. Unify all your customer conversations at a single place to get a better understanding of your customer journey.
  3. Use the insights to engage your customers throughout their journey across all touchpoints.

As a business, having a strong omnichannel customer service strategy is critical to have a unified view of your customers and be able to take necessary actions before they churn.

Key takeaways

  1. You can map your customer journey to understand their behaviour and know the areas where they need your assistance. You can offer proactive assistance across the behaviour stages via the right channels such as live chat, chatbot.
  2. You can acquire customer feedback and improve your support process to learn and exceed your customer expectations.
  3. Following an omni channel approach reduces the number of customer complaints as you can reach out to them across various channels.

2. Provide faster real time solutions 24×7

Real time engagement is what every customer expects when they approach a brand. Most of the customers leave frustrated if they fail to receive instant support.

The core idea behind real-time customer engagement is the ability to recognize and interact with your customers promptly and cadence that matters to them. InContact study found that customers are satisfied and positive with proactive customer service.

Live chat software empowers the agents to proactively engage with customers and offer them the right solutions. You can also use visual engagement tools like video & voice chat and co-browsing solutions, to make the conversation effective and offer faster solutions. The live customer engagement tools ensure faster resolution in the first touchpoint.

Chatbots are the best solution to automate the repetitive business tasks to engage customers with instant answers 24×7. They are the best way of managing customer expectations when the customers’ queries are simple or your support team is busy or not available. Bots can be easily scalable when there is a sudden rise in traffic.

Key takeaways

  1. You can use live chat software to gain valuable insights about customers’ profiles and trigger the right message at the right time to deliver the best customer service experience.
  2. With the help of customer engagement, collaborate with your customers in real time and deliver faster solutions in the first contact.
  3. Deploy chatbots to engage customers 24×7, handle the FAQs, and increase customer satisfaction. This reduces the number of tickets and improves team productivity
  4. You can provide hybrid support to your customers. Bots will handle general queries and complex queries will be transferred for humanized support.

3. Keep your communication transparent

Customers expect transparent communication. Businesses lose potential customers because they fail to implement transparency practices.

Being transparent is good not only for your customers but also for your business. In addition to attracting new customers, transparency allows you to better serve your existing ones, ensuring they stick with you. Here’s how transparency has helped our business:

  1. Build a successful business – Being more open about your products, prices, terms and conditions will set you up for success. Potential customers respond well to straightforward talk about what we can and can’t do for them.
  2. Increase your brand value – Becoming more transparent can improve your business’s efficiency. By spending time talking about your customers’ concerns and embellishing your results, you can save time for more productive work.
  3. Build trust and loyalty – The trust that you build with your customers is invaluable. Transparency is a key way of creating trust because it helps eliminate any suspicions or anxieties your customers might have about the value of what you’re offering.

Key takeaways

  1. You should propel authentic information about your product or services to avoid future confusion among customers.
  2. Make sure that you don’t make fake commitments and set customer expectations that will break their trust and loyalty.
  3. You should know your brand offers and discounts prior to offering customers to maintain brand efficiency.

4. Focus to cultivate customer loyalty

Customers always demand high levels of customer service. Such customer service expectations are what ultimately inform their level of satisfaction, leaving brands with a difficult question: how can you possibly meet your customers’ needs while staying ahead of the competition? The answer is customer loyalty.

PR Newswire says that the loyalty management market will grow from $1.4 Billion in 2015 to $4.0 Billion by 2021. Businesses are building strategies in focus to increase customer loyalty

Loyalty is the perfect tool for managing, and exceeding customer expectations with every purchase. But in order to address them with loyalty, it is important to understand the types of customer expectation and what they mean in the context of retention and reward marketing.

Key takeaways

  1. Loyal customers have a positive impact on business recommending your brand to friends and family with good word of mouth.
  2. When customers are satisfied, they become loyal and have higher customer lifetime value.

5. Collect customer feedback

As per the HubSpot study, “A full 42% of companies don’t survey their customers or collect feedback.” Eventually, these companies fail to understand customer expectations. Customer feedback is vital for all businesses to get an overall transparent performance picture and improve your products and services.

Once you understand what customers need, it becomes relatively easy to provide those features in your product. It also becomes relatively easy to retain customers — since they won’t have to go elsewhere when you’re doing what they expect from you.

So yes, feedback is crucial.

Customer feedback helps to measure customer satisfaction. There is a close connection between customer satisfaction and business performance. Therefore, you need to make sure your customers are happy with your products and services.

Naturally, the best way to find out if you meet their expectations is by their feedback. By using CSAT and NPS surveys and ratings you can easily measure the satisfaction level and consequently predict your company’s financial condition in the future.

Key takeaways

  1. Customers expect creatives to respond to their feedback promptly, but if the time gap is slightly, they churn and talk negatively about your brand.
  2. By asking customer feedback, you communicate that their opinion is important to you. You involve them in shaping your business so they feel more attached to your company. This is the best way to gain valuable brand ambassadors who will spread positive word-of-mouth for you.

6. Meet your customer expectation by going the extra mile

Basically, to go the extra mile comes down to doing more than is expected by the customers, trying a little harder, and going above the norm. And needless to say, that excellent customer service is a key attribute that many customers value more than the price or quality of the product.

For example, it’s the extra time a sales agent spends helping customers to make the right selection or the customer support rep who takes a few minutes extra to ensure you have all of your questions answered and won’t need to call back.

What can you do to show you value your customers? Here are some ways you can make your customers feel valued or important.

  1. Try to know your customers and identify their needs. Customers love the personalization and attention you give them.
  2. Implement the feedback collected from customers and offer improved products or services that align their expectations.
  3. Give promotional offers and discounts with their purchase.

Going the extra mile will not only result in a much happier customer, but it can also go a long way in terms of keeping your business growing as well as staying on their radar for future opportunities and business.

Perfect example on how to exceed customer expectation answers

Kennysoft STUDIOs is known for going the extra mile to fulfil customer expectations and delight them. Once a customer orders for a video or animation production service, Kennysoft STUDIOs does not only produce the video for the customer but go further in understanding what the video will be used and then create a video marketing strategy for the client at no extra cost.

7. Use social media to understand customer expectation

Gartner studies say “Businesses that do not respond to social media messages encounter a 15% increase in customer churn.”

Social media has become one of the most preferred platforms by customers for instant assistance. According to Insights Guide Facebook reported that more than 1 billion messages are sent from customers to businesses, every year.

Practice social listening to monitor social conversations related to your brand. By actively listening to the conversations, you can understand their expectations and behaviour. You can manage customer expectations and build good relationships with them. You can promptly respond to customer service expectations on social media.

It encourages customers to spend more with the company. Your business is able to gain a competitive advantage and make your business stand out of the box.

Key takeaways

  1. Practicing social media listening helps you to understand customer service psychology that further helps to know customer needs and wants.
  1. Identifying customer needs empowers you to serve them better and boost customer satisfaction.

8. Conduct market research

Conducting market research is a great way of identifying potential customers. Once you know your target audience you can plan how to exceed their expectations. The more you know about your customers, it helps you define your brand positioning around their expectations.

Understanding customer’s overall can benefit your business to deliver better customer service and build long-lasting relationships.

When you identify your customer expectation you can:

  1. Offer prompt solutions – Knowing what customer expects from you helps to deliver prompt and effective support.
  2. Enhance overall product – Customer research helps to understand the motives behind the buying process of the customers and improve on grey areas to create an effective USP.

Making an effort for market research is worth it because it provides you insights on so many questions like – who are the potential customers, what they buy, why they buy it etc. Further, the research can help you to develop a more detailed picture of them and understand how to target them.

Key takeaways

  1. Research can help you to learn your customer expectation across your industry. It is very important to collect the core details from your customers through regular communication and deliver service matching their expectations.
  2. You can use CAST and NPS surveys to measure your customer satisfaction with the existing business products and services. Based on the answers you can tailor your product to your client expectations.

9. Keep your customers engaged

Many creatives fail in meeting the expectation of keeping them updated and follow up with them. This can be frustrating and end up customers leaving you and negatively advocating about you.

They do so because they feel that you do not care for them and prefer silently leaving your brand. This might negatively impact your brand.

Keeping your customers up to date and making follow-ups show your care towards them and makes them feel an integral part of your business. This develops loyalty in your customers and they eventually become your best brand advocates.

Key takeaways

  1. Make sure you provide your customers with an estimated time to reply back to keep customers informed.
  2. Follow up with your customers once the issue is resolved to make sure they are satisfied with the solution or not.

10. Proactive handling of customer complaints

The web enables customers to share their feedback in multiple channels such as forums, social media networks, and more. This indicates that you need to get proactive in handling customer complaints.

You can categorize the frequently reported complaints or analyse what sort of problem the customers might encounter and based on that you can prepare solutions beforehand. The solutions can be in various forms such as:

  1. Support content
  2. How-to videos
  3. FAQs
  4. Tutorials

Key takeaways

  1. You should never ignore your customer complaints. When you receive complaints from customers, categorize them, and share them with the relevant team or department to work on to resolve it as soon as possible.
  2. As you welcome customer appreciation, have a similar attitude to the complaints as they are the way to build a better product and brand.


Balancing Delivery and exceeding Customer expectation have a profound impact on every creative business and businesses generally. It implies across the whole organization in its own way. Being customer-centric is the best way of managing clients’ expectations. Once you plan and understand what your target audience expects, it becomes easy to meet and exceed them.

Covid-19: Effect Of Coronavirus to Businesses

effect of covid-19

Now we have covid-19, which the whole world is fighting against but before the existence of covid-19… In the history of mankind, lots of diseases have come and gone with different symptoms and in many cases, they have few similarities. One of the deadliest pandemics that has struck the surface of the earth is the Spanish Flu. Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920, it infected 500 million people – about a quarter of the world’s population at the time. The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, behind the Black Death.

Today we have a similar case we are fighting called covid-19

 The outbreak of the virus known as Coronavirus nicknamed COVID-19. What exactly is Coronavirus? What effect does it have worldwide?
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty in breathing. Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and by avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with unwell people. There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Around the globe, scientists in various laboratories have been working continuously to find a possible vaccine to assist fight this virus that has taken the world by surprise. Never was it imagined or thought that in the first quarter of 2020 the world would be held stand still without any war as the cause, but a pandemic. It has gone global with cases in over 150 countries.

The effect of COVID-19 on a worldwide scale is huge. Beginning with human lives, as at when this article is written, there are over 1.8 million cases and 118,000 deaths, with the United States of America accounting for over 570,000 confirmed cases and 23,000 deaths. Human lives are affected seriously in Italy where a minimum of five hundred persons die daily due to COVID-19 spread. It has affected all major football leagues around the world and has pushed the season’s league calendar more than expected, and this shift has affected other sports tournaments scheduled for this year such as EURO 2020. It was meant to take place from June 12 – July 12, 2020, but is now scheduled to take place next year from June 11 – July 11, 2020. Other events such as the Tour de France, Formula 1 Grand Prix in Vietnam, and even the summer Olympics Tokyo 2020 are now postponed. It isn’t just the sports events but the effect of COVID-19 on the business sponsorships attached to each of these events. How long the epidemic will last and its economic impact is difficult to predict. As a result, the stock and bond markets have entered a period of extreme volatility, leaving investors to wonder: What does COVID-19 mean for the global markets and economy? It turns out to be that the COVID-19 pandemic has given a huge blow to businesses worldwide. Yes, it has. Let’s look at some of them.

Effects of Covid-19 On Businesses.

1. Airline Industry: After the presence of COVID-19 in various countries around the globe, governments affected by its presence issued an immediate lockdown of all airports thereby grounding flights coming in or going out of the country. International carriers got the major hit financially than local carriers  such as Emirate Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Lufthansa Airlines, Turkish Airlines; just to name a few. They are all seeking a bailout fund to assist in running operations during this period. Even the International Air Transport Association (IATA) updated its analysis of the financial impact on global revenue, counting its losses for the passenger business to the tune of $63 billion.
On the other side of events, top giants in the plane manufacturing
industry – Airbus and Boeing, have grounded major production activities in all their factories thereby creating a decision that may lead to over 15,000 employees becoming unemployed in each company respectively. This same measure has also affected major airline companies around the globe to ask for loans from governments and banks that run into billions of dollars cumulatively, notwithstanding the layoff of jobs that would surely affect many employees as well at the end of the day. Surely anyone can be a victim of circumstances by being laid off from a job without a quick replacement at the moment. What does the future hold for many when this pandemic ends? Only time will tell.

2. Hospitality & Travel Industry: These industries are different but they are closely related because of the similar activities they share. One field that links them together is tourism which is one of the biggest and fastest-growing sectors in the world today and has been considered as a vulnerable industry i.e. in comparison to other industries as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. The effects of COVID-19 to these sectors have affected business transactions and income as well. One of the dimensions in the tourism sector is the use of Cruise ships in creating a getaway holiday on the sea. Just like airlines, cruise ship companies have seen a drop in demand since the novel coronavirus outbreak grew into a pandemic in recent weeks. The top three cruise ship companies in the world – Carnival Corporation & Plc, Royal Caribbean International, and Norwegian Cruise, alongside others have been deeply affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. They have sought for cash infusions that run into billions of dollars to remain solvent after the industry announced a suspension of operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, some cruise ships such as Diamond Princess, Ruby Princess, Princess Cruises, Oasis of the Seas, Celebrity Infinity, just to name a few got hit by Coronavirus with the presence of a carrier in their midst. Caribbean countries including Antigua, Belize, The Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Suriname, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Vincent, and Trinidad have imposed travel restrictions and a few of them also imposed a curfew as a result of the presence of coronavirus in the country.

Globally, this action does not affect the industry alone, it also has a major effect on SME’s that have a business segment locally attached to the major companies in the industry. With a lockdown affecting the closure of businesses and traveling worldwide, entrepreneurs in such fields are bound to face more challenges financially if this crisis lingers because their source of income has suffered as well. Considering the evolving nature of the situation, it is too early to estimate the full impact of the COVID-19 on international tourism. For its initial assessment, the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) takes the SARS scenario of 2003 as a benchmark. The UNWTO estimates that in 2020 global international tourist arrivals could decline between 20-30%, down from an estimated growth of 3% to 4% forecast in early January 2020. This could translate into a loss of US$ 30 to 50 billion in spending by international visitors.

3. Supply Chain: There are thousands of small and large production firms with an employment rate ranging from 1,000 – 50,000 that depend on China and Vietnam for pieces of machinery, raw materials and production of goods too. The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a shaky effect on these businesses thereby causing them to source from other destinations such as India. China is gradually wriggling out of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country with recent statistics at the time of this writing, showing a significant drop in the number of new cases and deaths. Major factories in China are working round the clock to produce ventilators and face masks for highly affected countries like Italy, Spain, and the USA but it hasn’t changed the fact that lots of big firms such as Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, just to name a few that depend on China for production of spare parts of their products; have looked within and outsourced the production of their phone parts to countries like India and Vietnam. What does it mean for businesses?

How Businesses Can Cope

The effect of COVID-19 is a wildfire that devours anything it touches without showing mercy. As viruses know no borders, the impacts will continue to spread. Lots of businesses in various sectors around the world would surely face financial loss. The use of the internet for work-at-home activities has skyrocketed more than ever with many firms such as news agencies utilizing it effectively by converting a room inside the home of a reporter to a replicated temporary studio. Even phone companies like TECNO mobile have recently launched and sold phones by hosting an online launch event of their recent device CAMON 15 on April 2, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Various online platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr extend the services of freelancers to companies and individuals that require assistance in carrying out tasks related to working online. If you are an entrepreneur, you can still achieve your business aim by working more online via various social media platforms by creating engaging content on your page. Why? Due to this COVID-19 pandemic, over half of the world population are currently indoors 24/7 round the clock and they are regularly online to keep their minds busy on anything being posted. In essence, businesses can grab this open window of opportunity and make the best use of it.
In summary, the world is at a standstill fighting the COVID-19 virus that is causing rampage daily and causing a large number of financial casualties to economies, businesses, and death to humans that have fallen victims to the virus. It is a disheartening situation locking yourself at home with little provisions pending when the government would lift the lockdown, and the reason is that you want to be safe from the virus and alive at the end of it all. When will that be? We do not know. We all pray for this pandemic to end.

The effect of it on various businesses globally is still rising but businesses can adjust to these present circumstances by making use of online platforms to ensure the objective/goal of the firm during Q1 of 2020 isn’t defeated. Until this pandemic comes to an end, we all need to adhere to these precautionary:

• Stay at home if your area is under lockdown
• Wash your hands regularly. Sanitize your hands always
• Maintain social distancing
• If you observe any warning symptoms, go see a doctor.

Image credit: freepik

Thinking of partnering with a video marketing agency to help create a marketing video for your business? businesses are going online now so you need to keep your consumers engaged with a well crafted social media video. Then work with us let’s help keep your customers engaged.

Social Media: 7 Easy Ways to Make Your Video Go Viral

Social Media

Have you ever wondered how popular videos from your favorite social media video creators like mark angel comedy, Mr. macaroni, basket mouth and a whole lot more go viral? Or you are even wondering how do I even start to make my video go viral in this digital age where video content is king, all I can tell you is welcome on board; you are on the right flight to finding all the answers you need to make your video go viral on any digital platform you can mention be it Facebook, YouTube or even Instagram we have all the answers to make your next video go viral.

So, let’s begin our journey to finding the answer to all your questions on how do I make my video go viral.

For starters, what is a viral video? A viral video is a video that becomes popular through a viral process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram as well as social media and email. 

According to recent statistics by SEMrush 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide (Tubefilter, 2019). That’s 30,000 hours of video uploaded every hour. And 720,000 hours of video uploaded every day to YouTube. Not just that YouTube Growth Trend Statistics In 2021, there are approximately 1.86 billion YouTube users worldwide, up from 1.47 billion in 2017. It’s estimated that by 2022, there will be 210 million viewers in the U.S., up from 192 million in 2018. In May 2019, there were 500 minutes of YouTube videos uploaded every minute.

What about Facebook? According to editor’s choice Facebook Video Statistics (Editor’s Choice) More than 4 billion video views take place on Facebook every day. 500 million viewers watch 100 million hours of video content on Facebook daily. 65% of all Facebook video views come from mobile users.

A recent statistic shows that 5 million videos were posted within 24 hours of the launch of Instagram Video. 50% of business Instagram accounts have posted an Instagram Story. 5.2 million users watched branded Instagram videos during Q1 2017.

Now you understand how huge video contents are in this digital age, so what are the practical ways to make your next video go viral?

Here are 7 practical ways to make your next social media video go viral:

  1. Do some research first
  2. Write compelling and informative titles
  3. Use the Correct Tags and Hashtags.
  4. Make Videos on Trending Topics.
  5. Consider your timing.
  6. Keep it short.
  7. Stay engaged.

Below we’ll go into detail on each of these tactics for making your next video go viral on any platform be it YouTube, Facebook or even Instagram.

  1. Do Some Research First

Don’t just post a video on any video sharing platform be it YouTube, Facebook or Instagram, creating videos on non-relevant topics will make it extremely difficult for you to succeed. 

It’s important for you to study your niche. So, what do I mean by this? What I meant is study the kind of videos you want to create, ask yourself what kind of videos I may be comfortable in creating? be it comedy videos, cooking videos, or even motivational videos.  This will help you uncover the popular subjects in your niche.

  1. Write Compelling and Informative Titles

Titles are make-or-break when it comes to your video’s performance. Ask yourself: are you presenting your content as “must-see” or “meh?”

The key to crafting killer titles is grabbing your audience’s attention without resorting to clickbait headlines. People crave content that’s entertaining, and they likewise want to know what your video is about from the word “go.”

The takeaway here is that you should definitely spend time mulling over engaging titles rather than sticking with the first idea that pops into your head.

In terms of specifics, an oft-cited study from Tubular Insights notes that YouTube video titles should stick between 41 and 70 characters. Meanwhile, tools such as CoSchedule’s headline analyser recommends 55 characters for an engaging headline. 

  1. Use the Correct Tags and Hashtags.

Using the right video tags can help you get a sharp edge over your competition. Many video content creators are not using this strategy. This is why they are having a tough time with getting a significant number of views for their videos

  1. Make Videos on Trending Topics.

Trending topics will give your videos more exposure. Your targeted audience will always make an earnest effort to keep abreast of the latest news. They want to know more about the subjects and topics that interest them. 

  1. Consider Your Timing.

If your goal is to go viral, you’ll probably want to post your content on a weekday. Some people recommend posting early in the week, too, so that you have as many days before the weekend as possible when you have a captive audience. 

The reasoning behind this distinction is that many people are digesting content at work, on lunch breaks, or when they are otherwise browsing the Internet during the workweek. While you can still definitely go viral on the weekend, there may be fewer people looking for content at any given time. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid posting on holidays (unless your content is relevant to the holiday). 

  1. Keep It Short.

In the digital age, attention spans are shorter than ever. What does that mean for your content? Nobody (okay, almost nobody) wants to watch a ten-minute video unless it provides really clear value to them. Content that is most likely to go viral tends to be shorter in nature, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes at most. 

  1. Stay Engaged

Finally, when you hit the “post” button, your job isn’t over! For one thing, you’ll want to keep monitoring the engagement and potentially interact with your audience if you start to gain traction. If your content is successful, you’ll also need media outlets to have a way to contact you to continue to fuel your success. 

On the other hand, if your content isn’t successful, treat it as a case study and adjust for future content. Note any trends in engagement, what worked and what didn’t work, and any flukes that may have affected your content. Then, use that information to optimize your approach next time you have great content. 

With these tips in mind, you’ll have the best shot at getting your content to go viral. May the odds be ever in your favour! 

Want to import some outside creativity to create your next viral video? Work with us!

Article was originally posted in technext.ng

Tiktok vs Instagram: Who is the king of video sharing

tiktok vs Instagram

Tiktok Vs Instagram Introduction

There is always an augment between tiktok vs Instagram which is the world No 1 video sharing platform and advertiser on a tight budget are always finding it difficult between choosing tiktok vs Instagram which to spend their advertising budget on.

Tiktok Vs Instagram The War For The No 1 Video Position

It’s always a fight for everyone especially generation Z, there is always this question people always ask between tiktok vs Instagram which should I spend more of my time on, so today we are going to answer all your questions and give our suggestions on both platforms so without further ado lets dive in to get all your questions answered on the tiktok vs Instagram war.   

If you don’t know Instagram’s influencer market is estimated to be worth over $13.8 billion dollars. More than half a million sponsored posts have been posted on Instagram in 2021 so far. While 89% of marketers say Instagram is the most important channel for influencer marketing, newcomer TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular platforms in the world in less than two years and a rising platform for influencers.

The Coronavirus stay-at-home order seems to have only escalated TikTok’s new user growth. TikTok became the most downloaded non-game app worldwide during March 2020 with more than 115.2 million installs. For comparison, in 2019, Instagram only averaged 111.5M downloads per quarter.

Just like Instagram, TikTok gives users of the app the ability to like, comment and share, however, it stops there. There aren’t options to repost or save content, however the app continues to have an impressive 689 million monthly active users globally as of 2020, Just recently tiktok announce an active user of 1 billion monthly active users globally.

It is known for its virality and one-of-a-kind content, making it so unique and impactful when it comes to influencer marketing. 

Tiktok Vs Instagram Comparison 

As a brand, there are multiple ways to get involved with a TikTok influencer. This includes creating challenges, which often go viral, meaning this is a sure-fire way to get your brand, its products, and services, noticed. 

65% of TikTok’s users are between the ages of 16 and 25, which is something brands should be mindful of, ensuring that this also correlates with their own target audience and their demographics. 

TikTok also offers analytics tools, where metrics such as video views and profile views can be found, as well as useful information about an account’s followers, which is particularly beneficial for brands when seeking a new partnership or collaboration.

Now, Instagram is the most popular social media app when it comes to influencer marketing, however, that doesn’t mean it is the best for you and your brand. 

The needs of each business differ greatly, and so, this changes the platforms in which you need to utilise. 

Instagram is so popular due to its versatility. With the ability to create and share professional-looking photographs, as well as short and long-form videos, Instagram caters for almost everyone, but that also depends on your target audience, too. 

The content we see on Instagram is very much carefully curated – on main feeds, anyway. Instagram Stories are great at showing real-time content that is much more ‘off-the-cuff’, and features such as Reels and IGTV allow influencers to showcase their creativity and passion for content creating.  

The largest portion of Instagram users are aged between 25 and 34 years old, so, to get the very most out of your influencer marketing campaign, this should resonate with the target audience of your brand. 

Since brands have been using Instagram for paid ads and Influencer marketing for a long time, the site has earned a reputation among users as an ad space.

Tiktok Vs Instagram Conclusion 

Both social media apps offer their users an entirely contrasting experience. With differing audiences and a completely different offering in content, TikTok and Instagram are great for influencer marketing campaigns for their very own reasons. 

In terms of TikTok vs Instagram, it isn’t necessarily a case of which trumps the other, but which best suits your brand. 

Think about your target audience and consider the content you’d like to represent your brand and its products or services, and you’ll find your answer.

Thinking of creating a video to help increase your social media engagement online then Nigeria’s #1 video marketing agency got you covered contact kennysoft STUDIOs

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