How Much Does It Cost to Create a Promotional Video?

As a startup with limited resources, you may be concerned with how much it’s going to cost you to shoot and publish a promotional video. The truth is, professional-quality video does not have a fixed price when you have to factor in video types, style choices, and, of course, the varied offerings of video production such as production houses, freelancers, and DIY animation platforms. Video costs can range from under 200 thousand to 6million.

Not sure how to price up your promo video? Not to worry—we can help you to determine the costs and stretch your budget to get the results that you deserve.

The cost range of creating a promotional video is so vast that it’s tough to pinpoint just one price. An online video maker can be free if you’re on their free plan, while a 30-second TV spot can cost over 2million.

The final price of your video will usually depend on the following things:

Video style

Video length

Video quality

So, how much does it cost to create a promotional video

Let’s look at the different options you have for creating a promotional video and the costs associated with each option. Below is a summary that summarizes everything, but you can keep scrolling to read a detailed explanation for each point.

Online video maker

N0 – N50,000 / month subscription, using only assets inside the tool.

N20,000 – N50,000 sources and licenses of stock imagery from other sites.

The most inexpensive way to create a promotional video is to use an online video maker. There are many options with various features and tools to create promotional videos yourself or with your team. Some of these tools include Visme, Promo and Vyond, among many others.

In many cases, you can create a video for free with one of their free subscriptions. If you want to tap into premium features like custom animations or a wider variety of stock footage, you’ll need to pay for a higher plan. 

Freelance videographers, editors, animators

N50,000 – N1,500,000

If you don’t want to create the video yourself, you can hire a freelancer to do it for you. Depending on what type of video you want to make, you can work with videographers, animators, editors or freelancers that offer the complete package.

The freelance marketplace Fiverr, for example, offers lots of different options. Some freelancers charge lower prices and use stock imagery, while others do custom footage and charge a bit more.

Search for promotional videos on the Fiverr website and browse through all the options. Also, check the Fiverr Pro section for vetted freelancers that have higher ratings for better work. You can also use platforms like Upwork and Freelancer to search for the right professionals.

When hiring freelancers, you might have to employ different people with specific skills to do different things, especially if you’re creating a mixed media video. So, make sure you are organized and let the freelancers know what you expect of them.

Video production agency

N870,000 – N5,000,000+

If you find hiring a team of freelancers is too much work, you may want to hire a full-scale video production agency instead. To find one in your area, search Google Maps. If you don’t mind where they are, try Fiverr, a Google search or ask around for referrals.

Video production agencies are a dime a dozen, and you won’t have a hard time finding one. As to which one to go with, you’ll have to see what videos the agency has produced previously and how they fit into your budget.

A good thing about using a video production agency is that they can take care of everything, from writing the script to production and shooting and editing. Of course, the price will vary according to the type, length and quality of your video.

When hiring a video production agency, be upfront about how much you can spend on the video and what you’d like to see as the final result. Ask them what options can offer. Agency prices vary immensely, because there are many variables to consider.

Animation agency

N1,700,000 – 46,000,000+ / per animated minute

If you’re not creating your promotional video yourself with an online tool, or if you want to use custom animations and don’t want to hire a freelancer, consider hiring an animation agency.

Video production agencies will often have animators in their team who can do simple animations or motion graphics. But if you want custom animation, you’re better off hiring professional animators.

Like a regular video production agency, animation agency costs vary by type, length and quality of the video. 2D or flat animations cost less than 3D or life-like animations. Similarly, animations with backgrounds cost less than ones without backgrounds. 

Advertising agency

N5,800,000 – N160,000,000+

The highest tier when it comes to promotional video costs is the advertising agency. The purpose of an advertising agency is to take care of a brand’s entire advertising needs, and promotional videos are only one of the services offered.

Advertising agencies are generally hired long-term, where brands partner up with an agency to ideate a suite of advertising outputs like TV commercials, billboards, events and more.

Another thing that advertising agencies help with is air time for your video. They can book you a good spot during a highly rated show or game broadcast. Keep in mind, though, that prime time placements have very high costs. Placements in day-time TV are considerably lower.

Final Thought

How much should a promo video cost? Well, simply put, it all depends on whether you choose to shoot original material or source stock assets, how you edit your video, and the place of publication.

Having said that, you can keep costs down by contacting the professionals to help you create that promotional video and you will be glad you did. Why not contact kennysoft STUDIOs the video marketing agency that makes video marketing easy.

How Will the New Digital Tax Introduced by The Nigerian Government Affect You as A Digital Marketer?

On the 1st of January 2022 the Nigeria’s federal government disclosed that henceforth it would charge offshore companies providing digital services to local customers in Nigeria a six per cent tax on turnover as provided in the 2021 Finance Act.

The Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Mrs. Zainab Ahmed, disclosed this during the public presentation and breakdown of the 2022 budget held in Abuja.

Speaking further on the tax on digital services, she explained that it includes apps, high frequency trading, electronic data storage and online advertising, adding that, “this is introducing turnover tax on a fair and reasonable basis.”

The new policy is contained in Section 30 of the Finance Act which amended the provisions of Section 10, 31 and 14 on VAT obligations for non-resident digital companies.

Ahmed said, “Section 30 of the Finance Act designed to amend section 10, 31 and 14 of VAT is in relations to VAT obligations for non-resident digital companies and the mechanism that will be used is to restrict VAT obligations mainly to digital non-resident companies who supply individuals in Nigeria who can’t themselves self-account for VAT.

“So, if you visit Amazon, we are expecting Amazon to add VAT charge to whatever transaction you are paying for. I am using Amazon as an example. We are going to be working with Amazon to be registered as a tax agent for the FIRS.

“So, Amazon will now collect this payment and remit to FIRS and this is in line with global best practices, we have been missing out on this stream of revenue.

According to her, the new law applies to foreign companies that provide digital services such as apps, high-frequency trading, electronic data storage, online and advertising, among others.

She noted that in line with Section 4 of the Finance Act, non-resident companies are now expected to pay tax at six per cent per cent on their turnover.

How Will This New 6% VAT Affect You as A Digital Marketer?

Speaking on this matter is Mr. Taiwo Oyedele according to Mr. Taiwo Oyedele The introduction of the 6% tax on digital services offered to Nigerians by non-resident companies, implies that Nigerians who visit Amazon, and other e-commerce platforms not resident in Nigeria will pay VAT on items purchased online.

Even though it will increase government revenue, it will also have an implication on the transfer of costs to customers, according to Taiwo Oyedele, Fiscal Policy Partner and Africa Tax Leader at PwC who spoke at the Nigerian Economic Outlook 2022 organized by the King’s Court Parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), in a webinar themed, “The Finance Act for 2022 – Nigeria Fiscal Guide.”

What You Should Know?

As of 1st January 2022 Facebook introduced the new 7.5% VAT on all digital advertising on it platforms, not just Facebook alone starting from the 1st April 2022 Google will start collect a 7.5% VAT on all on adverts on the Google platform.

So, what does this mean for you as a customer or digital marketer in Nigeria? It means you will have to pay more to place ads or shop on any E-commerce site in Nigeria to bring it home let say you want to advertise a product at 1k daily budget for 30 days which means normally you will be spending 30k for the month but with the new 7.5% VAT digital tax you will need to pay additional 7.5% VAT on the 30k budget you plan to spend on the advert, that automatically means you will be paying 32,250 naira for a 1k daily advert on any social media or digital platform when doing adverts.

7 easy ways on how to create good promotional videos

Just in case you don’t know let me school you, would you believe that people spend 33 percent of their time online watching videos? What’s more: nearly nine out of ten marketers used video in their 2020 marketing strategy. Oh, and let’s not forget that over one billion hours of video is consumed on YouTube every single day.

If your prospects are watching videos, and virtually all of your competitors are publishing videos, then it’s time you create a good promotional video to get your products and services in front of potential buyers. And to help you achieve this we’ve got 7 very steps to help you get there. 

Step 1: Know your audience

At its most basic level, the idea of marketing is simply to push out a message and pull a response. For instance, if you run an ABC company, you might tell people to prep their air conditioners for a hot summer and ask them to schedule a tune up. If you run a retail store, perhaps you’ll send an email campaign to promote an upcoming sale with hopes that it will bring in extra revenue. 

But what if you ran both the ABC and a retail business, and you mixed up your lists? Can you imagine if you told your retail customers to fix their air conditioners? It would probably cause mass confusion, and your message would fall flat. That’s where the importance of knowing your audience comes in. 

Whenever I’m teaching a virtual marketing class, I’ll ask the audience to close their eyes and envision their ideal buyer: the person who would visit their storefront, call their phone, or click to their website with no hassle or haggling. This mental exercise is the beginning of building a buyer persona, and it’s critical to developing the right content for your audience.

The buyer persona will also determine your brand’s tone, which is very important when recording your videos. Will you be fun and entertaining, or does your ideal buyer prefer a serious, more professional approach? Just know that your buyer persona will evolve over time, and you may even develop multiple buyer personas. Always keep these tops of mind when designing your video marketing strategy. 

Step 2: Decide on the Type of Video

Next, it’s time to determine which type of promotional video is most suited for your goals and objectives. More often than not, this choice depends mainly on your budget for the project and how much time you’re willing to invest in it.

Thankfully, some video types like bite-size ads and testimonial videos are inexpensive to produce. But TV commercials and documentaries will naturally take more time and money.

Choose according to what you and your team can handle without compromising on quality. If you can afford a videographer to create an animated explainer video, there are many available on freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.

Make sure you choose a video type that your target audience will relate to and want to act upon. For example, if you’re trying to reach a younger demographic, choose social media and YouTube ads instead of a TV commercial.

·       Product Videos

When you want to get the word out about a specific product or service, try using a product video. These videos are specific about a product and don’t veer too far into other topics of your company or your brand.

In these types of promotional videos, the main focus is on your product and why your customers need it in their lives. Don’t forget to add information about how they can get it!

Here is an example of a product video:

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

·       Intro & Outro Videos

Intros and outros are important parts of the videos you share on YouTube, social media or those TVs in the waiting area of your office. Your intro should be all about the video’s title, but you can also add your logo and website URL for brand awareness.

In the outro, ask your viewers to subscribe (if publishing on YouTube) and add a call-to-action so that they can get in touch with you or take the next step easily.

Here is an example of an Intro & Outro Videos video:

Credit: K.A Photography

·       Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are on the longer side of the promo video spectrum. The purpose of an explainer video is to show the viewer the “how” of whatever it is that you’re promoting.

You can make explainer videos that visually demonstrate to customers:

  1. How your product is produced or distributed
  2. How your services can make their job easier
  3. How your company as a whole can improve how they get things done

Here is an example of an Explainer video:

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

·       Launch Videos

A launch video is an ideal choice for promoting a new product or service your team has been working on. Share the best features of what you’re launching and show how it will help your viewer.

Make sure to detail what makes this new thing better than whatever there was or wasn’t before. Pair launch videos with teaser videos to get the excitement going before the day of the launch.

Credit: seyfarth

·       Event Videos

Event videos are promotional videos for upcoming events. The most successful event videos use footage from previous years, showing what attendees can expect to see and experience.

If the event is happening for the first time, use stock imagery or sourced imagery from your keynote speakers. Include the main topic, schedule of events and most recognized guests.

Credit: search leeds

·       FAQ Videos

If you’re looking for an innovative way to promote your brand, try an FAQ video. Use real questions asked on social media, via customer support channels or during events.

There are always a few questions that get asked the most; use those to create fun FAQ videos that you can add to your YouTube channel or social media.

Credit: Alan C. Olson & Associates, S.C

·       TV Commercials/Spots

Before we had the internet, TV commercials (or TVCs) were the way to go for promotional videos. With so many options now, not all brands need to invest in a costly TV commercial.

But if you want to get the word out about your business in a big way, then a TV advertisement spot might still be a good option. You might not be able to afford a Super Bowl placement, but you can work your way up to that.

Here’s an example of a TVC from This is Afrika

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

·       Mini Documentary Videos

Now, we go further afield into the long-form promotional video. Mini documentaries are anywhere between 2 and 6 minutes. This style of promotional video is similar to an “about us” video but goes deeper into a specific story regarding your brand.

Some ideas include the backstory behind a unique aspect of your production line, or an uplifting message with facts about how your organization gives back to the community.

Here’s an example of a mini documentary from Nestoil Plc

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

·       Promo Ads

Promo ads are short promotional videos that can be used for advertising campaigns with Google or Mediavine, or placed on websites or related industries to yours.

Here’s an example of a promo ads

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

·       Social Media Video Ads

Social media ads need to be scroll-stoppers to be successful, so keep yours short, sweet, to the point and very catchy.

You can create social media ads for any platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest. However, make sure that the ad’s size and content is tailored to each platform you’re sharing it on.

Here’s an example of a social media video ads

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

·       Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Sharing what happens behind the scenes in your company is a great indirect way of promoting your services and products. If your brand is already popular on social media, followers will love getting to know what your office looks like, how people work, the company culture and more.

Here is a great example of a behind-the-scenes video

Credit: capital dreams pictures

·       About Us Videos

“About us” videos are similar to behind-the-scenes videos but are more specific about your brand story. Use this type of promotional video to share how your company got started and why.

Talk about your core values and goals for the future. Or, share your company culture and why client satisfaction is important. Most importantly, be honest, authentic and approachable.

Here’s an example of an “about us” video 

Credit: Kennysoft STUDIOs

Step 3: Write a Script

Next up, it’s time to write the script for your promotional video. A video script is similar to an outline for a blog post or article but includes specific instructions on how the video is created. The main sections in the script are the scenes; they are laid out in order from beginning to end.

At the very top of the script, add the type of video you’re creating so it’s fresh in your mind while writing the script.

For example, “Live Action + Motion graphics — social media video to promote a new location of my coffee shop; 15 sec.”

Step 4: Draft a Storyboard

With the video script ready, it’s time to visualize. A storyboard is both a static draft of the final product and an aid to the process. Each scene is laid out visually on a “board” — one rectangle per scene. There’s no need to get too detailed on this step, but it does help to do it as it will support the production of the video.

Try storyboard building software, or sketch the storyboard by hand on index cards. Why index cards? So you can move the order of the cards, each card being a scene of the video. The best part about using index cards is that you can copy the information from the script to the back of the card.

Step 5: Produce Your Video

You’re ready to produce the video. This and the next step might overlap if you’re working on your own. What you use for producing might be the same for editing, especially if you’re using an online tool like Visme or Biteable.

Both animated and live-action videos can use stock imagery found inside the tools we just mentioned. Keep that in mind as you put the scenes together to increase productivity.

For videos with custom animations or footage, the production and editing steps are separate and will involve a before and after stage. This is also the case if you’re sourcing visuals from third- party stock sites.

Step 6: Edit Your Video

Editing your video is all about putting the scenes together according to your script and storyboard. It also includes adding all the finishing touches that will make your promotional video complete.

But before you can edit your video, you need to choose a video editing platform.

With so many video editing tools out there, it can be tough to choose one that will best suit your needs. Are you looking for a simple video maker that works in your browser? Or do you need professional video editing software with advanced features?

For short videos like social media ads and listicles, you’re better off with one of the online options. Here are some online video makers to consider:







For elaborate or long-form promotional videos, you’ll need professional software or hire a person who knows how to use it. Some professional video editors include:

Adobe Premiere Pro

Final Cut Pro

Filmora 9

Do your research and look at all the options, laying out pros and cons according to the goals and purposes for your promotional video.

Then, edit your video by trimming the clips, stitching them together, layering audio and text, and adding post-production elements like animations until you’re happy with the end result.

Step 7: Do a Final Review

Before your video is 100% ready, it needs a final review. Check that all the information is correct, and that all images, videos and music are royalty-free or you have a license for them. Ask coworkers for feedback and get a second pair of eyes on your video from someone you trust.

After that, make any necessary revisions, take one last discerning look and you’re done! Your video is ready to fly away from the nest and get your business more sales, conversions and engagement.

Final thought

  1. Have A Plan In Place

There’s no denying that you’ll have a challenging time creating a promo video if you don’t plan ahead. Impromptu videos might be great for your personal Instagram account, but promotional videos for your business aren’t the kind you can just wing and hope for the best.

If you simply can’t fathom the time to plan appropriately, you’re better off hiring professionals to do it for you. Or, talk to the project managers in your team and see if they can tackle it.

There are many factors to take into consideration, from laying out goals and objectives to booking hours at a filming studio. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

2. Optimize for Multiple Platforms

The era of multichannel marketing is here for good, and your promo videos better be ready for it. All the short promo videos like bite-size ads, and social media ads need to be produced in horizontal, vertical and square formats. This way, you can cover all social media channels without a hitch.

In Visme, you can use any video template in three different sizes — wide, square and vertical. You can also choose a custom size for your video if you don’t want to go with these three options.

TV commercials and mini-documentaries should look good on all devices, from the smallest handheld phone to giant flat-screen TV. Are you promoting your products and services worldwide? Make sure to localize your message with the correct language and cultural nuances.

3. Don’t Give it All Away

Yes, your promotional videos have a purpose, to sell. But they are also required to keep the audience wanting more. That’s the hook that will entice them to look for you online, check out your website, browse your offers, read about your brand and finally buy.

There’s a fine line between showing what your products and services are good for and not giving it all away. You have to pique the viewer’s curiosity with catchy and engaging visuals, music and message. Leave them thinking about your brand, at least long enough to find you online.

4. Tell a Story

There’s no better way to grab the viewer’s attention during your promotional video than to tap into some storytelling techniques. In fact, storytelling should be at the center of all the marketing strategies your brand puts out into the world. When you tell a story visually, textually or with narration, the viewer feels like they can relate and like you are talking to them directly.

Knowing what story to tell will depend on the market research about your target audience. How are they using your product or products like it, and why? How is your product or service solving a specific problem for a particular person? Frame the video with a beginning, middle and end, making the story progress from one to the other, ending in a resolution.

5. Include a CTA

Last but not least, always include a call-to-action (CTA) in your promo video. This can be a spoken invitation as part of the narration or a visual invitation with your contact details. The point is that people should finish seeing your video and know exactly how and where to find you to buy your products or hire your services.

Different placements for your video will have other CTA possibilities. A YouTube outro, for example, should say “subscribe,” “visit our website,” or something of the sort. For example, bite-size ads and social media videos shared on Instagram can have a link sticker added to them at the time of publication. A TV commercial simply needs a visual of your website URL.

So, if you’re a business owner and you want to create a professional video that will get you those kinds of results, it’s the perfect time to contact with kennysoft STUDIOs.

With our state-of-the-art equipment and marketing savvy, our team of experts knows what it takes to create a high-quality video that will impress your customers and help you reach your marketing goals!

NTF: What Is An NFT? And How Do I Cash Out from It

NFT stands for non-fungible token, which basically means that it’s a one-of-a-kind digital asset that belongs to you and you only. The most popular NFTs right now include artwork and music, but can also include videos and even tweets

NFTs can be individual, or they can be part of a collection, which can also allow their owners to feel as though they are joining an exclusive online community. One collection, called the Bored Ape Yacht Club, is made up of 10,000 NFTs that look like drawings of, you guessed it, bored apes. But whoever owns one of them also gets to be part of a new kind of exclusive society, and members (owners of the ape NFTs) include Jimmy Fallon, DJ Khaled, Steph Curry and Post Malone. To own a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT, you’ll need to pay at least $200,000

What is a non-fungible token(NFT)?

In economics, a fungible asset is something with units that can be readily interchanged – like money.

With money, you can swap a £10 note for two £5 notes and it will have the same value.

However, if something is non-fungible, this is impossible – it means it has unique properties so it can’t be interchanged with something else.

It could be a house, or a painting such as the Mona Lisa, which is one of a kind. You can take a photo of the painting or buy a print but there will only ever be one original painting.

NFTs are “one-of-a-kind” assets in the digital world that can be bought and sold like any other piece of property, but which have no tangible form of their own.

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The digital tokens can be thought of as certificates of ownership for virtual or physical assets.

Sounds cool right, so, how do I make one?

First, you’ll need a crypto wallet. MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet are two popular crypto wallets, and can be downloaded on your phone or desktop.

After you have your wallet, you’ll need to buy some cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, Ether, or any number of others. You can buy that through a crypto wallet company using U.S. dollars or another fiat currency. 

Now, choose what you want to turn into your digital asset—that could be a JPEG, MP3, GIF, or any other multimedia file type that will be uploaded to an NFT marketplace. 

Then you’ll “mint” the NFT, which means that you’ll be publishing your token on blockchain, a network that structures and stores cryptocurrency. Many NFTs are stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

You publish an NFT to blockchain via an online marketplace. The most popular online marketplaces to mint and sell NFTs include OpenSea and Rarible. There are usually “gas” fees you have to pay, something that marketplaces charge users for some combination of making, publishing and selling an NFT.

 You’re basically paying the marketplaces for the computer power used to fuel transactions on the blockchain. But sometimes these fees can reach hundreds of dollars, so watch out. 

You’ll still have to pay a one-time fee to initialize your account on each of those marketplaces, which could cost hundreds of dollars. OpenSea and Rarible will both charge a 2.5% fee from your NFT sales, although they are still widely used because they don’t charge “gas” fees, meaning it’s free to mint the NFT. The buyer pays the minting fee.

Selling an NFT

With all that done, it’s time to actually put your NFT out there and hopefully make some money. On most platforms, doing so is as simple as hitting a button that says “sell” on whatever NFT you have in your wallet.

The screenshot below shows how it works on Rarible using the MetaMask wallet. Note the Ethereum gas fees.

In practically all cases, you have a few options on how you want to sell your NFT. These usually fall into one of three categories: fixed price, timed auction, or unlimited auction—which Rarible calls “open for bids.”

A fixed price is simplest to explain: you put your NFT up at a certain price and you wait for somebody to pay that amount. OpenSea lets you put a time limit on this price if you want, but other than that it’s the same.

A timed auction is also relatively common: in a certain time span, which you can decide, potential buyers will bid on your NFT. When the time limit expires, the highest bidder receives the NFT. An unlimited auction is an auction without a time limit, the seller simply decides when they have received what they think is the best offer and ends the auction.

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From here the process runs pretty much automatically: the buyer pays what they’re supposed to for the NFT plus some fees, the creator gets their money minus some fees, and the NFT changes hands. The buyer gets a cool little collectible, and you, the seller, gets the start of a cryptofortune—hopefully.

I’m intrigued. Where do I begin? 

If you’re still looking to dip your toes into the world of NFTs, artists who have previously minted their own NFTs advise that you start with something that’s fun and meaningful to you.

“My hopes for the NFT market is for it to become even more accessible for all sorts of creators—artists, musicians, game developers—to be able to share their stories and support themselves on their work,” Amber Vittoria, an artist known for her abstract and colorful NFTs that sell for up to $834,000.

 “My advice for folks newly entering the space to sell their creations as NFTs is to not be afraid to ask questions, experiment, and to enjoy the process.” 

Another artist named ArinaBB, who has been making NFTs for about a year, added that the rapid evolution of the market can be both “a blessing and a curse,” and that there are some essential safety tips that beginners should be aware of.

“Never click on unknown links even if they seem familiar. Do not download files from strangers,” 

 ‘’Make sure you have a basic understanding of how things work before you start investing large sums of money.”

The sale prices of NFTs are rising as they gain in popularity. Consequently, NFT creators can make a lot of money. However, not all NFTs will even sell, let alone make their creator any money, given all the fees involved with minting and selling NFTs. Due to the costs, you need to prepare for the possibility that you could lose money on your NFT creation. The best way to avoid a loss is to make sure you sell an NFT that others will find valuable and set a minimum price that will more than offset any associated fees.

Metaverse: What is metaverse and what you need to know about it (part 2)

incase you missed it: What is metaverse and what you need to know about it (part 1)

So, what do I need to know about metaverse?

Does the metaverse already exist in gaming? To some extent, there is already a metaverse in games. But — and it’s an important but — it’s rudimentary.

Some social elements of the metaverse can already be found in video games. Consider Fortnite, an online shooter game played on computers, game consoles and mobile devices. The average Fortnite player spends hundreds of hours in the game with a personal avatar, fighting with and interacting with the avatars of other players. Players also accrue virtual currency that unlocks outfits and other goodies to customize their avatars.

A precursor to the metaverse could also be found in Second Life, an online social platform developed by Linden Lab nearly two decades ago, where people created digital representations of themselves to socialize with others. In the virtual space, users could shop and build property to enrich their virtual lives.

Virtual reality is also somewhat advanced in video games. In 2016, Sony released the $400 PlayStation VR, a virtual reality headset that plugged into its PlayStation 4 console to play virtual reality games. This month, Sony said a second-generation headset was coming for the PlayStation 5, though it did not share a release date.

But those were just steppingstones toward the complete metaverse, which is still taking shape. Technologists say that thanks to a number of things — fast internet connections, powerful virtual reality headsets and a large audience of gamers — it is now more possible to live in a richly animated, lifelike 3-D simulation.

What Will Power the Metaverse?

The metaverse will be driven by diverse forms of technology such as cloud infrastructure, software tools, platforms, applications, user-generated content, and hardware. In addition to the technical requirements, the metaverse will include various user experiences including, but not limited to, entertainment, gaming, commerce, social interactions, education, and research.

What are some examples of metaverse?

Here’s a look at what’s happening today that could lead to the metaverse of tomorrow:

♦ Meta. The tech giant formerly known as Facebook has already made significant investments in virtual reality, including the 2014 acquisition of Oculus. Meta envisions a virtual world where digital avatars connect through work, travel or entertainment using VR headsets. Zuckerberg has been bullish on the metaverse, believing it could replace the internet as we know it. “The next platform and medium will be even more immersive and embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it, and we call this the metaverse,” said Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg last month after revealing the company’s rebranding. 

♦ Microsoft. The software giant already uses holograms and is developing mixed and extended reality (XR) applications with its Microsoft Mesh platform, which combine the real world with augmented reality and virtual reality. Earlier this month, Microsoft showed off its plans for bringing mixed-reality including holograms and virtual avatars to Microsoft Teams in 2022. Also in the works for next year: explorable 3D virtual connected spaces for retail and workplaces. The U.S. Army is currently working with Microsoft on an augmented reality Hololens 2 headset for soldiers to train, rehearse and fight in. Beyond that, Xbox Live already connects millions of video game players across the globe, too.

♦ Epic Games. Tim Sweeney, CEO of the company that developed Fortnite, has said, “It’s no secret that Epic is invested in building the metaverse.” It’s held concerts by the likes of Ariana Grande and Travis Scott, movie trailers and music debuts and even an “immersive” re-imagining of Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 historic “I Have A Dream” speech. And it’s developing photorealistic digital humans with its MetaHuman Creator, which could be how you customize your digital doppelganger in future open-world games.

►Real gear in a virtual world:Fortnite partners with Balenciaga on outfits for you and your avatar

►From NFL to Air Jordan to Ariana Grande:The biggest Fortnite crossover events so far

♦ Roblox. The platform, founded in 2004, houses scores of user-generated games, including role-playing offerings like Bloxburg and Brookhaven, where users can build homes, work and play out scenarios. Roblox is now valued at more than $45 billion after going public this year.  the On the day of its IPO in March, Roblox founder and CEO David Baszucki tweeted a thank you to all who helped bring the platform “one step closer to fulfilling our vision of the #Metaverse.” Since then, Roblox has teamed up with skateboarding shoe company Vans to create Vans World, a virtual skateboarding park where players can dress up in fresh Vans gear and opened a limited Gucci Garden, where you can try and buy clothing and accessories for your virtual self. 

♦ Minecraft. Another virtual universe beloved by kids, the Microsoft-owned Minecraft is essentially the digital equivalent of Legos, where players can create their own digital character and build whatever they desire. As of August, Minecraft boasts more than 140 million monthly active users. During the pandemic, it has exploded in popularity among kids who had to rely more heavily on virtual connections.

Some lesser-known companies have launched their own online worlds. The online fantasy world Second Life, founded in 2003, is in its second decade as an alternate reality.

When Will the Metaverse Arrive?

The question is then, how long will it take before we move from various protometaverses toward the grand metaverse? Mark Zuckerberg believes that it will be by the end of the decade, but it could also be much sooner than that because foundational elements are already in place.

The infrastructure behind today’s internet allows massive quantities of people to gather in virtual environments, like when more than 12.3 million players tuned in for a VR concert in Fortnite featuring Travis Scott. This current infrastructure is very impressive, yet it will likely need to evolve further to support the metaverse industry experts envision.

We also have the hardware to render realistic virtual environments and avatars in 3D. Meta owns the leading producer of virtual reality headsets, Oculus. Microsoft has been supporting various enterprise use cases with its HoloLens mixed reality smart glasses since its first release in 2016. In addition, Apple is rumored to release its AR and VR headsets in 2022. HTC, Pico, MagicLeap, and other manufacturers are rapidly advancing various hardware platforms, while cascade technology architectures are shifting various computational loads across back-end server infrastructures to edge devices. Unity’s Furioos is a prime example of streaming fully interactive real-time 3D environments where the heavy lift of rendering the environments is handled by their automatically scaling GPU server infrastructure. The metaverse will be a ubiquitous computing experience where users can leverage traditional devices like computers and mobile devices while also enhancing the experience with emerging immersive AR and VR wearables.


Finally, the same innovative technologies that have been disrupting the financial services industry since the Bitcoin network came into existence in January 2009 can be used to enable the continuity of data in the metaverse. NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, are an excellent example of how blockchain technology can be used to verify the ownership of digital assets, and there are already 3D virtual reality platforms that take advantage of them.

Marc Petit, vice president and general manager of Unreal Engine at EPIC Games, stated in an interview recently that the metaverse will require, “shared virtual worlds that incorporate persistence.” What this means is that for an ideal customer experience a user should be able to move from universe to universe with their digital belongings. An example of this would be a user’s NFT shoes purchased from Nike in the future will be available for avatar use in Meta’s Horizon platform while also in other virtual worlds like those in Fortnite and Minecraft.

Another example, Decentraland, is a fully decentralized world that doesn’t have any central leadership. The world is based on the Ethereum blockchain, and it’s controlled by a decentralized autonomous organization. Through this organization and voting, players can control the policies that determine how the world behaves. Decentraland also has its decentralized currency, MANA, which can be exchanged on cryptocurrency exchanges for other currencies.

In the future, Decentraland could be one of many decentralized worlds that make up a portion of the metaverse, with digital assets and currencies flowing between them the same way fiat money and physical goods are exchanged by people living in different countries in the real world.

While nobody would own the metaverse itself—just like nobody owns the internet today—there will certainly be many important players in the space, and companies like Meta, Microsoft, Unity, Epic Games, Roblox, and others want to be among them, which is why they are pouring billions of dollars into making the sci-fi dream come true.

The metaverse is just an idea that was first described by sci-fi author Neal Stephenson in his novel Snow Crash. Soon, it could become reality because many large technology companies are betting that it will be as big—if not bigger—than the internet is today. Anyone who doesn’t want to wait for individual virtual experiences to form one massive world of worlds can join platforms like Decentraland, Horizon Workrooms, or Roblox to get at least some idea of what the future will possibly look like.

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Video Marketing: 4 Ways Video Marketing Can Boost Sales

As you already know the world of marketing is ever evolving, the ways we use to marketing our products and services have changed. We are living in a content driven world and one of those fast-paced growing content is video marketing; video marketing contents helps business a lot for so many reasons and one of those reason is the fact that Videos help your company improve the relationship with customers and build trust with potential clients not just only that alone, Videos evoke emotions online better than any other medium. You can use the tone of voice, music, and facial expressions to your advantage. This marketing tool can help humanize your brand.

According to a recent Aberdeen report, marketers who use video see much faster revenue growth (49 percent) than those who do not. However, video has become more than just a marketing tool. With their capability to visually explain and demonstrate things and concepts, videos can help businesses not only showcase their products and services, attracting new customers, but they can help companies attract new employees and even make workers more productive.

If you’re a business owner or marketer, then you probably have a specific strategy in place for marketing your business.

Wait, you don’t?

Well, then it looks like (unfortunately) you’re in the majority.

In fact, 70% of marketers lack a clear or consistent marketing strategy. Ouch.

Luckily, it’s never too late to implement some marketing tactics that will help give your business a boost.

You see, there are countless ways to market your business, but not every method is equally effective.

You can try creating traditional advertisements, email marketing, social media marketing, knocking on people’s doors, etc.

But there’s one extremely powerful strategy that can help your business: Video Marketing.

Video marketing is so powerful that it can generate up to 1200% more shares than text and images combined!

That is a ton of engagement (and potential sales) that you’re missing out on by simply not implementing a video marketing strategy.

With that in mind, let’s go over a few videos marketing tips that can help engage your target audience, while helping you grow your business.

video marketing strategy

  1. Start With A Plan Of Action

Before you create an effective marketing video, you need to have a clear idea of what you want your video to accomplish.

Do you want it to help sell a particular product or service? Or are you trying to show off your amazing company culture?

Whatever your objective is with this video, it’s important to develop and write down a marketing strategy.

How important is a marketing strategy?

According to one study, 33% more goals are accomplished by those who create and write down a clear plan of action.

Once you have a strategy, it’s important to give your customers something memorable so they’ll want to support your business.

Now that you’ve got a strategy, it’s time to…

  • Craft A Great Story

So maybe you’re thinking, “Well, I’ll just pull out the old iPhone, record a few shots of people talking about my business, and then call it a day.”

Well, that’s certainly one way to start your video marketing process…

…down a very, very dark and difficult road.

You see, creating a video is one thing, but creating a video that attracts customers and makes them want to buy from you is a whole different animal.

And as we’ve mentioned before, even a 30 second commercial requires a ton of time and careful planning.

So, one of the first things to keep in mind when creating a video is: the story.

The story is, in a sense, the engine of your video. Without it, your video is going nowhere.

When Developing A Good Story For Your Video You Want To Make Sure To:

  1. Be honest and personal. Your content needs to be a reflection of your company. Make sure you are genuine with your audience; don’t be afraid to get a little personal.

Honest can really resonate with your customers, and it can help you build a bond that will also promote brand loyalty—a factor that will give you a leg up over your competition.

2. Have a beginning, middle, and an end. Like every good story, your story needs to feature these three stages or else the message could get a bit muddled.

You don’t need to get Shakespearean by any means, but a story that goes through a beginning, middle, and end has power.

How so, you might wonder?

With this kind of structure, you can build up the emotions of an audience, keep them enthralled, and set them up for a resolution (or a good call-to-action).

3. Get creative and stay true to your brand. Have you noticed any trends in commercials or advertisements lately?

Perhaps you’ve seen a lot of them that feature random quirky characters or talking animals spouting off cheeky one-liners?

This style of commercial is usually good at grabbing the attention of viewers because of the humor and creativity involved.

And if you want to craft a video that will effectively market your business, you’ll need to get a little creative as well.

The best way to start this process is to develop a central theme around what your video is marketing (maybe a specific product/service), and then infuse your company’s personality into it.

Whether your company has more of a slapstick culture or a more serious-minded one, it’s important to stay true to your brand.

That way, your audience will instantly recognize you, and you can develop the ever-important brand loyalty we mentioned earlier.

Are you lacking some much-needed inspiration? Check out these 40 creative video ideas that can help spark your imagination!

Now that you have a great story to share, you want to make sure that you…

  • Keep Your Videos Short

With blogging, long-form writing can help with SEO and give a writer enough space to provide a lot of valuable content.

With video, however, you should keep it short and sweet.

Why is that?

Because with the many advances in technology, people now have shorter attention spans than goldfish!

A good tip for creating an effective video that will hold the attention of your audience is to keep the duration of the video to around (or less than) one minute.

With the proper video length set, now you want to…

  • Promote Your Video Everywhere

After you’ve created a quick and compelling marketing video, it’s time to share it with the world.

One of the first places you want to share your video is on your company’s website.

This will help you drive customer traffic and create engagement with your site.

Next, you should add your video to landing pages and emails. By simply including a video on your landing pages, you can increase conversions by 80%.

And by including videos in your email campaigns you can increase click through rates by 50%!

After that, you should post your video on your social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (etc.), to help increase your reach as well as your conversions.

Looking to share your video with an even wider audience?

Here’s a list of 28 video sharing sites that will allow you to promote your new video to even more viewers.


Does it sound like there’s a lot that goes into creating a marketing video?

Well, there is!

Not only do you have to plan out an effective strategy, craft a compelling and concise story, and promote it like crazy, you also have to consider the time and financial investment involved in doing all these things.

It may seem like a lot, but the investment in cost and time for a well-produced video is definitely worth the ability to:

●     Connect with your target audience

●     Generate more leads

●     Increase sales

●     Grow your overall business

So, if you’re a business owner and you want to create a professional video that will get you those kinds of results, it’s the perfect time to contact with kennysoft STUDIOs.

With our state-of-the-art equipment and marketing savvy, our team of experts knows what it takes to create a high-quality video that will impress your customers and help you reach your marketing goals!

5 Tips for Creating the perfect Valentine’s Day campaign Video

Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is a consumer event, and data shows that in recent years, people aren’t just buying gifts for spouses and significant others—they’re shopping for themselves, their family and friends, their coworkers, and even their pets.

Valentine’s Day was all about heart-shaped candy and your middle school crush when we were younger. Fast forward to 2022, and February 14th is now a marketing holiday that reaches far and wide. It celebrates all forms of love and is far from a day limited to flowers and candy. For business owners, this shift means possibilities to sell products and services beyond roses and chocolates.

According to Rochester First, total Valentine’s Day spending for 2021 is projected to hit 21 billion, which breaks down to $164.76 per person expected to celebrate.

There’s no reason your business shouldn’t make the most of the holiday and all it has to offer. So, how can you stand out and reach the hearts of your customers this year? With video, of course!

Keeping this in mind, you can start planning a video-driven marketing plan focused on promoting sales, engaging customers, and most of all, LOVE. And we’re going to ensure you make the most of your video creation and communication this Valentine’s Day.

So, if you think your brand doesn’t align with Valentine’s Day shopping, it may be time to give your strategy a second look. Here are four perfect ways in creating that amazing valentine day campaign video for your brand.

1.    Create Valentine’s Day Gift Guide Videos

Valentine’s Day is about gift-giving. And here goes an interesting fact: People don’t look for gift ideas for their partners only, but for their family, colleagues, friends, and pets too!

It gives you tons of content ideas to create Valentine’s Day videos for. Even if your product or service doesn’t look like a perfect gift for loved ones, you can still turn it to your advantage and offer it as a small token of appreciation.

Craft a video that consumers can use as a gift guide: Put together a list of gift ideas for kids, teachers, moms, bosses, cats, you name it. Or, be cheeky and showcase your own product as the perfect gift.

  • Testimonial Videos

Know what customers really love? Reviews from other customers that prove a product or service is the real deal. You already know that building trust is crucial to any marketing strategy. What better way to build trust than with video testimonials from actual customers?

It’s probably easier than you think to make a video testimonial. Simply interview a happy customer and ask them about their experience with your product or service. Don’t script it–let your customers speak from an honest and authentic place. Can’t get them in front of a camera? Display video clips and images of your team at work and use written testimonials, or quotes, as a text overlay. Testimonials are simple, effective and bound to be loved by your customers.

  • Community Involvement Video

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to spread positive vibes by showing how your business gives back to the community. Does your business have a community service program or a Volunteer Day set aside for employees? Or maybe your company donates a percentage of certain proceeds to a good cause. These are all great stories you can share with your customer audience.

Record a video of your business giving back and highlight your employees, their passion and the great work they’re doing for the people, environment, etc. By doing so, you put faces and actions to your company’s name. Remember, the goal of your video is to focus on the community you serve–not your brand. Be authentic, and show your customers how much you love your community.

  • Behind The Scene Video

Show your customers how much “love” goes into the product or service you sell. You want to tell the deeper story behind your business. Create a behind-the-scenes video to give a tour of your company’s office, factory or studio. Provide an opportunity for your customers to peek inside and see how your products are made, or get to know the people who make them.

Going behind the scenes doesn’t have to be limited to a tour of your company’s office. Show off the creative or operational processes that fuel your business, or interview staff members to give insight into their expertise and personalities. If you have a company mission or a motto, a video is a great way to tell the inspirational story behind it. Who doesn’t love a story like that?

  • Run A Contest

Let your customers show their love for you this Valentine’s Day. Run a contest or open up a call for submissions asking your fans to create video content for you. Fan-sourced content makes for really great, relatable videos (and testimonials, mentioned above) that are perfect for sharing on social media.

Come up with a unique hashtag so your customers understand what type of video you want them to make. Ask them to create videos on sites like TikTok, Twitter or Instagram with your unique hashtag. You can even combine their videos to create a fully user-generated content (UGC) experience. These types of videos are great for capturing the customer’s perspective and sharing your product or service at the same time. Bonus: You might get a few excellent brand ambassadors in the process.

Final Thought

And now, with these Valentine’s Day campaign video ideas in your pocket, it’s time to create original videos for your audience.

Are you ready to get creative with your Valentine’s Day video ads? if yes!  Reach out to us kennysoft STUDIOs and let’s get started

What is metaverse and what you need to know about it (part 1)

What is metaverse? The word metaverse has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with Facebook and Microsoft both staking claims. But what is the metaverse? And when will it get here? That what everyone wants to know.

Let’s do a little deep dive into the idea of metaverse, to get an idea on how it all started. The term metaverse can be traced back to Neal Stephenson and his dystopian cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. The novel was released in 1992, and it’s considered a canon of the genre, along with William Gibson’s Neuromancer, which describes a virtual reality dataspace called the matrix.

The metaverse in Snow Crash is a 3D virtual reality space accessed through personal terminals and virtual reality goggles that have a lot in common with the Oculus Quest and other VR headsets. This 3D space appears to its users as an urban environment created along a single hundred-meter-wide road, the Street. Stephenson writes:

Like any place in Reality, the Street is subject to development. Developers can build their own small streets feeding off of the main one. They can build buildings, parks, signs, as well as things that do not exist in Reality, such as vast hovering overhead light shows, special neighborhoods where the rules of three-dimensional spacetime are ignored, and free-combat zones where people can go to kill each other.

If Stephenson’s vision of the metaverse seems familiar, it’s because massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs, or more commonly, MMOs) share many of its properties. In Second Life (released in 2003), for example, users can customize realistic avatars, meet with other players, create virtual items, own virtual property, and exchange goods and services.

Virtual experiences like Second Life can be described as protometaverses. Why the prefix? Because they exist in isolation, each being a digital island whose inhabitants and their virtual assets never leave it. The metaverse Mark Zuckerberg wants to create isn’t some grand virtual experience—it’s the next version of the internet.

“We’ve gone from desktop to web to mobile; from text to photos to video. But this isn’t the end of the line,” writes Zuckerberg in a recent letter to his employees. “The next platform will be even more immersive—an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it. We call this the metaverse, and it will touch every product we build.”

So, what exactly is metaverse?

The metaverse is the convergence of two ideas that have been around for many years: virtual reality and a digital second life.

For decades, technologists have dreamed of an era when our virtual lives play as important a role as our physical realities. In theory, we would spend lots of time interacting with our friends and colleagues in virtual space. As a result, we would spend money there, too, on outfits and objects for our digital avatars.

In what techies like Mr. Zuckerberg call the metaverse, virtual reality serves as a computing platform for living a second life online. In virtual reality, you wear a headset that immerses you in a 3-D environment. You carry motion-sensing controllers to interact with virtual objects and use a microphone to communicate with others.

According to Mr. Matthew Ball, a venture capitalist who has written extensively about the topic, said the metaverse represented the fourth wave to computers, following mainframe computing, personal computing and mobile computing.

“It’s moving into what people call ambient computing,” he said about the metaverse. “It’s about being within the computer rather than accessing the computer. It’s about being always online rather than always having access to an online world.”

To put it in a simple term: It’s you and your avatar interacting with others in a digital environment?

To be continued…

Practical ways you can use Videos for Real Estate marketing

Photo credit: sujimoto Luxury Real Estate in Nigeria

As a real estate realtor have you for once ask yourself, how do i increase my sales? How do I even go about it? As a real estate realtor, you must have asked yourself this question at last once in your career, so today I will be discussing with you some practical ways you can use videos as a real estate realtor in your marketing activities.   

So Why Is It Necessary For Real Estate Realtors To Use Videos In Their Marketing?

Video is a powerful tool in every marketer’s tool belt—and if you’re in the real estate game, you’re definitely a marketer, whether you realize it or not. Your job is selling, and selling means making people want to buy. (Hint: that’s exactly what marketing is about!)

Just so you know too for the record, in real estate sales, a video listing gets 40% more enquiries than a photo. For a local firm that wants to enter a highly competitive market, video production is a vital growth tool. Across the country the number of people using video websites to research homes has grown from 36% in the past year to 32%. Incorporated video in a digital campaign is a good way to increase leads generated.

Video marketing is powerful for real estate agents, but it’s still remarkably underutilized in the space. According to the 2021 Technology Survey from the National Association of REALTORS Research Group, 37% of respondents say they use video in their marketing, while 27% say they do not. The remaining 35% say that while they do not currently use video for marketing, they hope to in the near future.

For agents that are still putting off video marketing, now is the time to invest in high-quality content for each property you list. There’s still time to be a relatively early adopter in the space, and you can beat out competitors who are still lagging on the video trend.

Not quite convinced you need video? Here are just a few of the key benefits of video marketing for the real estate industry.

Benefits of Video Marketing for Real Estate

So, how exactly can you use video to stand out from the crowd? Keep reading to find out practical ways to you can use videos for real estate marketing and best five recommended videos you can create for your real estate agency.

How To Use Videos For Real Estate Marketing

Use video to show off your property.

Want beautiful aerial views of the property you’re listing? Want to document the awesome spiral staircase, the lovely furniture, or the wall accents? Pictures and text descriptions don’t even come close to video for these unique home features.

Think of it this way: video can work as a permanent open house for any property you’re trying to sell. Set up your decor, set the perfect lighting, make the space inviting and warm, and film it! You’ll capture the space as it should be captured, without having to worry about daily upkeep.

Plus, it gives remote buyers peace of mind that they’ve “toured” the property, even if they can’t come see it in person. They’ll feel more confident in their decision than they would without the video option.

Reach your customers digitally, where they spend their time.

Online browsing behavior is constantly changing. While people once went directly to local newspapers or magazines to search for listings in their neighborhood, now, they spend most of their time searching via Google, social media, recommended agency websites, and more—all online.

What does this mean for you? If you want to reach prospective buyers, you’ve got to use video. Besides video being the most engaged with type of content online, video is also being prioritized by digital algorithms. Social channels like Facebook and Instagram and search engines like Bing and Google have shared that they explicitly prioritize video content in feeds and results pages.

If you’re not using videos and your competition is, you’re going to lose out on digital audiences every time.

Start conversations with your customers directly.

The beauty of video is in the way it facilitates the understanding and communication of information. Video provides a personal touch for viewers exploring your properties, and you can use that personal touch to your advantage. In addition to the property videos, we’ve described above, you can also create videos that feature you in front of the camera.

You can answer common questions about the property, provide a brief overview of the purchase process and what buyers can expect, or even creating a custom video highlighting features you know a specific client will love. Going the extra mile with these videos will leave a great impression on your buyers.

To create a video like this, start by addressing some of the most common questions you receive. Use a video to talk about a property’s size, price, history, number of bedrooms—you name it. Then, upload the video to the channels where you’re most likely to reach your audience.

Where can I share my real estate video?

Add the video to your website, promote it on social media, and more.

Speaking of channels that help reach your audience, another great thing about video is that you can use it almost anywhere online to drive user interest. There are countless platforms and channels that support video content in 2021, and you can use any or all of them as you see fit. Here are a few of the most common options we’d recommend exploring.


Use your real estate video anywhere and everywhere you can on your website—your homepage, your listings section, your “About Us” section, and more. Depending on the number of properties you’re working with, you might consider creating a video for each property (or focusing on a few that are your biggest drivers of purchase inquiries). You can also create more general videos that explain your company, introduce you as a real estate agent, or any other non-property video topics.

Social Media

Social media is non-negotiable for virtually every industry in 2021. When you have a finished video, consider posting it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any real estate forums or organizations you or your company are active in. Though shorter formats are usually optimal here, you can get away with posting a slightly longer video (like a full property walkthrough) if it provides informative value.


Do you have a list of people who’ve shown interest in buying property? You likely have a segmented email database; tap into this database by sending regular video updates about new properties that hit the market or specific properties that might meet a recipient’s needs. Communicating directly to segmented lists is one of the highest revenue drivers for most companies with an online presence—and video takes the benefits to the next level.


SMS marketing is a tough nut to crack, but with impressive results, it’s becoming a must for B2C companies. Branded SMS messages boast open rates of over 82 percent—that’s an enormous opportunity to reach your potential customers directly and ensure that they get your message. Plus, with video, you’re more likely to catch their attention and engage them—a total win-win.

Provide a personal connection.

So often, buyers just don’t quite know what they’re looking for. They know they want to invest in their very own property, but have no idea what they can afford, what they want, or where they should begin looking. If that’s the case, a video that focuses on your qualifications as a real estate agent may be just the thing to win them over.

Here, your primary focus won’t be to sell a specific property, but instead, to introduce yourself and gain the trust of someone in need of your services. Use a brand video to introduce your agency or your approach as an agent. Besides providing some useful information about your qualifications and passions, it will also put a friendly face to what can sometimes be a difficult process.

So, What Kind Of Real Estate Videos Can I Use For My Video Marketing

Kickstart your real estate video marketing with these recommended videos

  1. Real Estate Listing Videos
  2. How-To’s and Tips
  3. Go Live!
  4. Video Testimonials
  5. Neighborhood Guides
  6. Live Q&A Videos
  7. Neighborhood/Community Video
  8. Listing. Videos
  9. Get Creative!
  10. 360 Videos
  11. Brand Promotion Videos
  12. Team/Office Culture Videos
  13. Market Updates
  14. Interview Videos
  15. Case Study/Review Videos
  16. “About Me”/Explainer Videos
  • Highlight a specific listing and show off its best features. Take a video tour inside, show off the outside, use captivating aerial footage, and cover the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, acreage, amenities, and more.
  • Show off the best a particular neighborhood has to offer. Highlight attractions, restaurants, parks, schools, and other community favorites, plus a few of the best properties in town.
  • Introduce your agency to the world! Talk about your brand mission, your experience, why you do what you do, and more. This video could be what convinces a lead buyer to choose you over the competition.
  • Show off your agents’ know-how with an industry or agent question and answer session. Cover some of your most frequently asked questions and make sure your answers provide value and inform viewers on a topic they’re curious about.
  • One of the most important types of videos, a customer testimonial provides a strong, convincing review of your services directly from a past or current customer. They carry a lot of trust and credibility and can be the biggest motivators for leads who are close to making their purchase decision.


Real estate is one of the few industries ripe with video potential that just isn’t being harnessed. Whether you’re selling super mansions to the rich and famous, lands or even helping a small, local family buy their first two-bedroom home, video provides a wealth of value that just can’t be accomplished with images and text.

From indoor and outdoor home tours to expert tips and more, video can establish you as a leader in your field, leading to an influx in buyer leads and closed sales. So, what are you waiting for? But also, kind in mind that for a real estate video marketing to be effective it must be produced in the right manner and be properly promoted.

So, why not contact the professional let help you create that amazing real estate video that makes you outshine your competition and stand out from the crowd. Reach out to kennysoft STUDIOs lets help you today.

Best 7 Most Engaging Commercials of 2021

While it may feel like 2022 is just getting started, we’re a few days into the year, and 2021 was a great year for tv contents especially tv commercials so we have made a list of the most engaging commercials of 2021 to talk about.

We’ll go into more detail below, but here are our seven picks for the most engaging commercial of 2021 (in no particular order):

  • Double The Luxury by Double H Luxury
  • Black Shines Brightest by Guinness
  • Glover For Everyone by Glover
  • We Move by MTN Nigeria
  • That Feeling by Bet King
  • Find Your Beautiful by Darling Hair
  • Turu Ugo Lota by Life Lager

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Most Engaging Commercials Of 2021

  1. Double The Luxury by Double H Luxury

The creative directors behind Double H Luxury’s advert did a great job. The brand’s message was clear- no matter the kind of day you’ve been through, your luxury apartment would be waiting to make it all better! Through the eyes of a couple, they also projected a typical day in the life of Nigerians such as balancing work, family, and simply trying to commute in a city like Lagos. The fully automated short-let apartment features a voice-controlled two-bedroom suite, a private in-house movie theatre, and cuisine freshly prepared by world-class chefs.

  • Black Shines Brightest by Guinness

Guinness has launched “Black shines brightest”, the biggest pan-African campaign in over a decade in Kenya. Inspired by the bold and unique black beer of Guinness stout and brings together passionate and creative individuals to celebrate the spirit of Guinness and its home across African markets.  Energetic and empowering, the campaign celebrates individuals coming together, fizzing with optimism, creativity and potential. Across the continent, a generation of individuals, inspired by each other and the people around them, are coming together as they unite to take on the opportunities in front of them.

  • Glover For Everyone by Glover

The commercial highlights the unique products of the business and their usefulness to the lifestyle of everyday Nigerians in Gifting, bill payments, and excess airtime challenges.

It also reveals the actions taken by common people in making sure their everyday activities and lifestyle are faced without any interruptions; a solution which the Glover app has taken responsibility to create.

The 30-second commercial focused on the three features of the Glover app- GiftcardRefill, and Airtime2Cash, showing a woman in her mid-years receiving a gift in the form of a giftcard from her child, with a note to buy the one thing she really wanted.

  • We Move by MTN Nigeria

This has got to be one of the most relatable ads to come of Nigeria in 2021. First of all, the title is from the streets. “We Move’ was a trending slang amongst the youths at the time the ad was released, and MTN capitalized on it to share a touching story, one similar to what the majority of the youths in Nigeria are currently facing. Plus, it made use of music, another passion point of the youth. No wonder it was an instant hit. 

There were other similar ads in terms of concept and story released before and after We Move launched, but MTN’s ad had more impact. Not only is the ad more popular, but the melodious song also made it more memorable.

  • That Feeling by Bet King

And on the number one spot is a totally unexpected yet simple ad by Bet King titled That Feeling. The ad which featured former Nigerian Super Eagles Star, Jay Jay Okocha is by far the most creative of the lot! Rather than simply telling people to bet to win on their platform, the ad sold a feeling instead. It depicts a happy feeling as Bet King, which means that one is always happy when on the platform. Doesn’t that mean that one would always win? Yes, the ad says that without actually saying it. Also, the ad concept, the music, and Okocha’s funny dancing made this ad one of the most fun and memorable!

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  • Black Girl Magic by Darling Hair

The official hair brand for BigBrother Naija never disappoints with its adverts. Not only does it capture the beauty and magical essence of women in Nigeria and beyond, but it also reinforces the brand’s position as an innovator and expert in quality hairstyles and extensions. Darling Nigeria is committed to giving customers the trendiest styles and quality hair at the best possible price. “So wherever life takes you, you can #FindYourBeautiful.”

  • Turu Ugo Lota by Life Lager

Barely few months ago, Life Lager launched a strategic ad specifically targeting the east, titled Turu Ugo Lota, and it made the number 4 spot on this list. The reason is not far-fetched. The use of the celebrity father and son duo of Pete Edochie and his son Yul, the unique father and son type narration, the content of the narration ladened with deep-rooted messages, and the quality of production catapulted this ad far above any other in its category.

 And most importantly, judging by the level of engagement and nature of comments on the ad, it is safe to say that the easterners whom it targeted, felt a deep connection with the ad.

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Conclusion: Adverts, why are they important

Across the world, manufacturers and service providers typically operate in saturated markets where competition is rife. The situation is not any different in Nigeria. To stand out, it is not enough for companies to offer high-quality products and services; they must also be able to adequately communicate the benefits of their products and services to customers in order to attract their patronage. This is the whole essence of marketing communication. 

Advertisements are inevitable in the world of business. For this reason, companies are ever willing to expend billions of naira per year for the development and dissemination of befitting ads. So far this year, the ads highlighted above are the ones that really caught our attention. Have you been influenced by them to purchase? 

So, if you’re a business owner and you want to create a professional video that will get you those kinds of results, it’s the perfect time to contact with kennysoft STUDIOs.

With our state-of-the-art equipment and marketing savvy, our team of experts knows what it takes to create a high-quality video that will impress your customers and help you reach your marketing goals!

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